chapter 6

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When i woke up next day, my head was in pain, my eyes were fluffy.I literally looked like an alien.As i was washing my face, those memories from yesterday started coming back. I was not ready to face them yet.(it was Saturday BTW)

I make breakfast for myself and sat down to pour my feelings into my diary. To plan, what am i supposed to do from now on. 

I was confused for a moment, about Irene, she said she never liked him and now she betrayed me for him.

i was deep in my thought that i didn't heard the ringing of the bell. I picked through the hole and saw my Mom. I quickly opened the door and invited her in. She was happy and smiling.

Y/M: Y/N-ahhh i got a job and they are paying really well.(she said smiling)

y/n: mom that's amazing, now we don't have to worry about anything. 

Y/M: but Y/N they are not here, i have to move to Japan along with your sister

Y/N: ohhh it's OK mom.i know you always wished to go to Japan and sister also can complete her studies there and i will complete my education here and then i will come to you. just two more years and then we can live together.

Y/M: OK i have to go, here i bought a phone for you, you can keep contact with us ok, we have to move by this week.

Y/N: thank you mom, oh when will you come back,

Y/m: we will not come back here anymore y/n-ahh. you have to move there too. Okay

Y/n: Okay mom bye, will miss you, love you mom

Y/m: love you too sweetheart.

I smiled at her, seeing her excitement, i was happy.She went home and  I went back to planning about the revenge.I wanna kill him, but i do't want to go to jail and embarrass my parents. Today was my work day, i packed the essential stuff and went towards my destination.(i know i should be sad and heartbroken about the breakup and cheating thing but my life ain't like other girls, i still have a family to love and care of and i want to make them happy not sad. It was my decision to fall in love and give my body, so why my parents have to bear.)

I was walking when i saw Yoongi, i didn't want to talk to him at first, but he was the only one there when I needed him the most. He came to me and said.

Yoongi: y/n ahhhh.. i am going.

Y/N: going,  going where? 

Yoongi:  To America, for my further studies, my parents are there and they are calling me.

I was teary eyed, the only person i can relay on is going away leaving me alone here. 

Yoongi: y/n i am sorry, here is my number call me when you need me or simply to talk, okay.

I nodded,  and ran off when I felt my tear coming down. 


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