Chapter 12

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Jennie pov...

Y/n had been out for 2 days, I was feeling really guilty even though I didn't do anything.
My oppa said, that his girlfriend showed him the video and he thought I was being bullied. He loves me I know but to this extent, that he will hurt the ones who hurt me,I never knew.

I was sitting by the bedside, waiting for Y/n to wake up.  When a boy came inside and sat by the other side of the bed and hold Y/n's hand. He was handsome and I never heard anything about boys from Y/n, the who is he.
I was about to ask, when he went out wiping his tears.

Time skip....
I am now outside, Y/n woke up a few hours earlier. I can't be more than happy.
The doctor told me to stay outside so that they can check on Y/n.
I called oppa,

"Oppa,Y/n is awake now, you should come quickly and apologize to her."-I ordered him.

"Ok, i am coming"- he said quickly over the phone and cut off.

Time skip....

My oppa is here, we both looked at each other and went to the room Y/n, is staying.

When we opened the door, she was sitting and was doing something on her phone.

When she saw us, she kept the phone on the table.

"EONNIE, "- she started crying.

I don't know what I am suppose to do at this moment. So I hugged her back and combed my fingers through her hair.

Then she let go of me and looked at Mark oppa.

"You, y...ou"- Y/n said pointing her fingers towards Mark oppa.

"I am sorry Y/n, my girlfriend showed me a video and I thought my sister was being bullied by you. I am really sorry, I didn't know about you and Jennie"- oppa apologized looking down.

"Wh..o is your sister"- Y/n, asked in a low tone

"Jennie"- oppa said pointing his finger at me.

I nodded at her.

"Y/n, i am really sorry, he didn't meant to do that to you. We both are sorry Y/n. If you want, you can beat the hell out of him"-I said tearing up.

She laughed.
We all laughed.

Time skip....

The doctor told her to rest for a bit and she can get discharge within a few weeks.
I heard a phone ringing.
I looked at mine, nope.
Y/n's phone was ringing.

YOONGI🐱 calling

I picked up her phone



No, i am Jennie, she is resting.
What you want?

She is okay! right?

Ummm..actually . . . .





Okay, i will call her later. Let her rest.





Then the call cut off.
I signed.

Wow, so many boys are there but why did Y/n never mentioned anything about them.

Today, 2 boys came, they both looked handsome. Before I could ask their name they went out. So I wasn't able to say anything to Y/n.

Few weeks later....

They have been coming to the hospital nonstop. They would bring some foods with them. I got the chance to ask one of the boys name. His name was Taehyung. He gave me a letter to deliver to  Y/n,When she wakes up.

I later gave the letter to Y/n.

Y/n, why didn't you tell me you got so many boys by your side.

The Yoongi boy called a few times too, and Y/n was able to take those calls.

She said, when he heard that she is the in hospital, he wanted to come right away.

She was going to get discharged today. Oppa was ready with his car outside. We took her to the room and my oppa said sorry many times.


I was caught, i went to my dad but all he did was slap me. I wanted to run but I knew what type of person Mark is. So I called my cousin, and told her my plan. I don't want anything but to torture Y/n to her death. It was all her fault.

Y/N pov

I was doing fine now, these days were hectic. I went to school and nobody bullied me like before and Idk the reason. Irene was nowhere around and her mions were detained because of the past incidents. I saw Bts once or twice.

I was with Jin oppa when Jimin came and sat down with us. We both looked at him.

"Hey easy, i just wanna sit here. I miss Yoongi hyung."- He said and put his head on the table.

Jin oppa looked at me and I shrugged and then he looked at Jimin.

These days Taehyung and Jimin were acting strangly.

Time skip to 2 days from now on.

I was sitting in my class, when Mr Joe, our English teacher stepped in with a girl.

He make some movements and she bowed, starting her introduction.

"Hello everyone, my name is Momo. Nice to meet you all. I hope  we can be friends"-she introduced herself and winked.

The boys were prasing her, at how beautiful she is and how good her figure is.

I saw Jungkook looking at her with red tints on his cheeks. He was mesmerized by her.

She went and sat with Jungkook.

From that day onwards, Jungkook was always with her, in canteen, in parks.

It was good to see that he found someone to cherish.

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