Chapter 1

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your p.v

wake up wake up.. lazy ass wake up wake uppppppppppppp..

The alarm goes off 

waking you up from your deep slumber .. you turn off your phone and went to sleep one more time..

ring ring ringgg..

aishhh.. now who the hell is calling so early

(on call)

Y/N : hellooooo.

Y/s/N: y/n- ahh are you ready for the new school...

Y/N: hmm.....WHAT?? SCHOOL

Y/S/N: yahhh... you forgot so  quickly, now go, i will talk to you later (cuts call) come i forgot .. my new school day, i stumble upon your blanket and went to the bathroom

i brush my teeth , wash my face and cange into a comfortable clothing brush my hair in a messy bun and started running

i brush my teeth , wash my face and cange into a comfortable clothing brush my hair in a messy bun and started running

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( ignore the makeup

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( ignore the wore no makep)

it's 6:30 and school starts in 7:00 

i stared running to get the bus, luckily i got the bus in time and head to the school, my dream school

in a 10 minutes i reached the school.. wheni goet down the bus my eyes pop out from my socket. The school is so big and awseome

i went inside the school and saw  both boys and girls staring at me

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i went inside the school and saw  both boys and girls staring at me.I ignore them and went inside to collect my schedule. i was kind of lost if you say , the place was so big  and stuff that i didn't make up my mind to which direction i should go.

I saw a girl passing by and ask her whether she can tell the direction towards the principle office.

she stared at me for a while and then pointed towards a door. I took the hint and went towards it.The principle office it was written in bold letters. I curse myself and headed there. i saw a handsome but old man sitting on his seat and typing away. I knock on the door and hear a come in.

Y/N: Hello and good morning sir, i am a transferred student here and would like to have my schedule. (bows)

the principle stared at me and said

Principle: ahh, hello and good morning to you too, what you name  my child.

Y/N: my name is Lee Y/N

Principle: Lee Y/N, the scholar student, here you go.(he handed me my schedule)

Y/N: Thank you sir.(bows)

Then you headed towards your respective class..


it may sound a little boring... if you like it keep reading 

there may be 18+ scenes or may be not, it depends on you guys


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