Chapter 9

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Tic tok tic tok....
The clock is going so slow, now a days.
I am here sitting in the cafe, I work at.
Jennie unni and Eunwoo did not came today. I along with a new girl are working.
There she is applying makeup( corner, in front of the coffee maker)
Her face is white like a ghost, she has applied 2 or 3 times before this.
A boy came earlier,
"Excuse me, can i have a cafe mocha please and a sandwitch, cheese one." -The boy said.

"Okay, sir it will be(looking in the computer) 10$ and please wait for sometime. "-I said giving him the bill

He nodded.

When it was time for the order to be given, the girl..ummm ... what was her name oh! Joy, she snatched, literally snatched the tray from my hand amd went to him.

She said something to him, the boy looked up at her, and I can see the terror in his eyes. He smiled awkwardly at her and looked down.

She kept on standing there for I don't know how long, and then he went away quickly leaving half of the mocha behind.(wahh!! It took so much time to make that hmmp!)

And now no customers are there, she is making herself more beautiful than she was(sarcasm). Anyway, it's time for me to leave.

I called the manger and handed her the keys, she also looked at her with big eyes.

By the way.. Jennie amd Eunwoo are dating dor the past 2 months, I guess and today they went on date living me with this makeup ghost.(Hey don't take it seriously,I love red velvet).

Time skip...

Tomorrow, there will a maths quiz which was supposed to held 3 months earlier, and due to some reason it got cancelled. I am nervous, I am good in maths but things like exams and competition makes everyone nervous even the toppers.

I gotta sleep, I moved into my new house, it's cozy and clean and has a good neighbourhood.
Eunwoo is living just down the hall into one of the 3 rooms. He is like a brother to me, Jennie unni sometimes drop by to chat or *cough* *cough* you know, boyfriend.

Time skip

. . . . . .

I am standing here sweating for last 30 minutes.
I am at the school's auditorium, where students from different schools have came. They were all discussing this and that.

"Students enter and take your seats" - An announcement is made.

Everyone started entering and taking seats.

"Students, we are really sorry for the delay of the maths competition which was supposed to held 3 months ago."- the announcer said.

So now we are going to start,but first let me explain the rules.

Rule no 1. No unfair means to be used.

Rule no 2. Behave

Rule no 3. Whem the question is asked, tap the red buttom there,if you want to pass the question tap the green one okay understood.( in front of the table.)

We nodded.

. . . .
Question 1.......
If A+B+C=180 and angle A=90 then what is the value of tan (B+C)

*C.Not define

Different answers were heard are all and we kept on going..

Time skip..

The quiz was over but I was feeling uneasy due to some reason.

"Miss Y/n, report to the principle's office." - the maths teacher Mr. Choi ordered me.

I went to the principle's office and I saw him pacing, with a mobile in his hand.

" Sir"-I called him.
He spun around alnost losing balance.

"Miss Y/n, what is this?" - The principle asked showing the mobile phone in his hand.

"Mobile phone sir," - I said

"I know, it's a mobile phone, but what it was doing in your seat desk where the quiz held."- he said fuming.

"What are you talking about sir, i don't understand"-I said confused

"Y/n, we found this phone,...... the place where you were sitting during the maths quiz."Mr. Choi said.

I was staring at them confused.

"Sir, I have no idea about the phone and staff, they warned us before starting the quiz about the unfair means, do you think I kept the mobile phone in there"- I said hopping for them to believe me.(well i am innocent)

"Y/n, you don't understand, they took this out and they are gonna cancel you from the participants list and you will not be able to take part in any other quizes in the future, and we might, we have to expel you out of the school."-Mr. Choi shouted at me.

I was in tears, I had no words.

(That's what you deserve bi**h, haa!, she will get expelled..wahhh!!!! Hahhahahaha, let's go girls)

"I swear I didn't do anything sir, i never knew that there was a phone in my desk."-i said crying.

"Y/n, then prove it, i want to protct the prestige of the school and have to expell you, if you can find the truth and show us and them , then it will be fine but othewise no"- The principle said.

I nodded(I don't know how am I supposed to prove that)

I went to my class

"Look, the cheater is here..shame shame.."one of the minion of Irene said.

(I got it, they did it)

I went to the washroom and called Jin.

"Jin, (crying) they did something real bad and now I am in verge of expelling from the school"- i said

"Y/n, don't cry, I am coming alright"-he said amd cutted the call.

"In a minute or so Jin came, Y/n what's the matter what they did this time."- he said worrying.

I told him all the things that happened up till now.

"That ho*"-he said angrily.
"Come on y/n, we have to find something against them. They must have left something behind."- he said and pulled me with him.

We went to the auditorium, after long search, we didn't find anything against them.

"Ji..n, the Cctv"- i said pointing at the cameras on the roof of the auditorium.

"Let's go," -jin said

We went to the security room and the guard said it's manual. It means we have to go up and bring the micro chip.

We once again ran to the auditorium and Jin went up balancing himself, holding on the railings. He caught the camera but slipped in the process, landing on his back.

The guards came in exact time and took him to the hospital.
I was worried, i wanted to go with him but he denied and asked me to present the evidence for which he put his life on risk.

I went to the principle's office and handed him the chip.
He put that in his chip reader and the evidence was shown.

Irene was not present, her minions did that but I knew who told them to.

They were called and asked.
They blame Irene, when she came she pulled on an innocent face denying everything.

The main thing was that i was saved.

I went to the hospital quickly and saw Jin sitting and having apples.
The doctor told he was lucky to fall in the foam but his hand got a little injured because it landed on the floor instead of the foam.

He is supposed to stay there for a week or so. I am really grateful for a friend like him. He even risked his life for me.

That's how I got a true friend. We became best friends, no feelings included.

Cheater boyfriend( Taehyung ff) ft. BTSWhere stories live. Discover now