Chapter 20

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I am getting married today to the love of my life. I was nervous and happy. Jin walked me down the asile. He gave my hand to him and said to take care of me. We smiled at each other.

Lee y/n, do you take Mr. Park Jimin as your wedded husband, and be together in good and bad times, in sickness and in health.

"I do"- i said

And you Park Jimin, do you take Miss Lee y/n as your wedded wife, and be together in good and bad times, in sickness and in health.

"I do"- Jimin said.
Now you may kiss the bride.

He smiled at me, eyes full of tear and leaned forward and we kissed.

Happy Ending.

{♡When two people are destined to be together, don't worry. Just wait.

The love that you seek will come to you in the right time, the right place, and with the right person that was meant to love you the way you always wanted.♡}

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