Chapter 11

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I woke up in an unfamiliar room, it was dark and a little light was hung above not making the room completely dark.
I tried to move and felt my hands and legs tied to the chair.

I heard a male voice outside.

"Is she awake?"-the Unkown voice asked another.

"I don't know boss, maybe she is,"-another unkown voice said.

"Let's go in and see for ourselves."- the boss said.

I heard the lock being opened and then the door.
Two figures appeared.

One of them came near me and . . . . . . Slaped me.

"You are awake."-the boss said smirking.

"What did I do to you to keep me here"-I said him almost tearing up. My cheek was paining.

"You don't know, what you did. YOU BULLIED MY SISTER AND YOUBARE AKSING WHAT YOU DID BI*CH"-the boss said shouting and slapped me once again.

"I don't even know who is your sister"- i said totally confused and tearing up due to the pain on my cheeck

Who's brother he is? Irene, nope she never had one.
Any of her minions. Maybe.
I bullied them, what a joke.?Thoughts were running in my head.

Unkown pov...
She bullied my sister. I wouldn't have known if my girlfriend hasn't said that. I was always busy with my company that I hardly have time for my family and I didn't know what was going on with my sister.

My girlfriend showed me a video, where my sister was kneeling in front of her. I am so angry right now.

She said, she doesn't know my sister. Ofcourse how can she. If she knew would have she done that.

I was going to say the name of my sister when her phone rang.

Jennie unni.

Jennie, no no must be someone's else not my sister. Why would she call her, if y/n bullied her.

I pressed the call.

"Yaaaa Y/n-ah where are you. Why are you not coming to work. Manager told......... y/n why are you not answering."The jennie girl said.

"Who are you? What relation you have with the y/n."-i said seriously.

"Wh..o ARE YOU, WHERE IS Y/N?WHY HER PHONE IS WITH YOU"- Jennie shouted through the phone

"I kidnapped her, and will torture her, wanna save then come to *********place."- i said calmly.

"DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM, DO YOU KNOW WHO MY BROTHER IS, YOU WAIT"- she said and cutted the call.

Brother,...huhh- i thought and my phone started ringing.

My sister was calling me. Must be a coincidence i thought smiling awkwardly.

Hello!Jennie where were you, i was so fu**ing worried about you.

"Brother,  i need a help, someone kidnapped my friend, please help me find her."- she said hurriedly

Kidnapped, what her name,( must be coincidence- i thought laughing)

"Y/n, let me send you the photo." -she sended the photo to me.i was about to open, when i heard a gun shot going.

Y/n, was lying on the floor covered with blood and i saw one of my man pointing a gun towards her. I was shocked.

Boss, she tried to run away, so i had to shot her, she injured of the man.- he said, pointing at her.

I heard a notification going off. I took out and saw the picture of Y/n, well no more coincidences. She was Y/n, for whom my sister was worrying to death.

"Quick, take her to the hospital."- i said almost panicking.

I called my sister and told her to meet me at the hospital.

Time skip....

My sister was balling her eyes out, I tried to explain what happened.

"Why would you take her without any reason"- Jennie said crying.

"Jennie, my girlfriend showed me this video, she said that you were being bullied by y/n, that's why"- i said calmly.

"Who is your girlfriend, call her here."- Jennie cried out.

I tried to call her, but her phone was unreachable. That was odd.

I told my man to track her, she never switched off her phone. I was worried.

The doctot was out,
Jennie went to the doctor quickly.

"Doctor,how is she, she is okay right "- Jennie asked crying.

"She is okay,out of danger but she need rest because she lost lots of blood and she was lucky, the bullet didn't touch her heart."- the doctor said.

Jennie and I both nodded.

The doctor went away,
"Where is your girlfriend oppa"-Jennie asked sobbing.

"I don't know, i tried to call her but she her phone is unreachable"-i said calmly.

"Show me the video, let me see"- Jennie said.

I handed her my phone.

She stared at it a few times and looked at me scarcely.

"I. Was. Showing. Her. How. My. Boyfriend. Proposed. Me"- she said gritting her teeth. Well that was scary for me.
She will do that if she is pissed. I was scared of her, that I didn't even heared the thing she said.

"Boss, here"- one of my man handed me the ipad.

I looked at it and saw her last location in a park.

I told Jennie, that i will be back with my girl.

Time skip...
I reached the said park and saw my girlfriend sitting on the grass.
I wanted to suprise her, so i started going slowly. But got stuck in mid, when i saw a boy with her, and he. kissed. Her. On. the. lip.

I went quickly towards them and stood in front of them.

She looked up at me with big round eyes. Her face looked as if she saw a ghost.

I stared at her coldly and slapped her.

"Irene, you dared to cheat behind my back and blamed a innocent girl, you just wait, see what i will do to you."- i said and warned her coldly.

I fetched my phone from my pocket and called her father and explained him.

He said, i can do anything with her daughter, but not to break the contract.
I smirked at myself and told my man to take her to my old house.

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