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Feeling the pairs of hands releasing their hold on her, she took advantage of the situation to cross over to where Eli was thrown from the force of her outburst. She grabbed his wrists, hands sparking with remnants of that electrical energy as she forced Eli to let go of her sais, pinning the older man against the wall.

The armed men that had surrounded them were currently slumped in different positions around the room they were in, bodies and clothes steaming slightly.

"Ev!" T.E was pleading with her. Not taking her eyes of Eli, she growled at him until T.E hastily took a step back, his hands held up in surrender.

"Give me one good reason to go against Gia's word and I will rip you apart from asshole to mouth." Evie gritted her teeth. "You lied to me from the start."

"I'm still me. And I admit, it wasn't a coincidence. Us meeting in front of the library or being Rowena's RA for class." He had taken another step backwards Evie only for Rowena to snap into action. Pulling upwards on her bindings to latch her legs around T.E's neck. "I only wanted to get to know you better, I swear!"

"How long have you been watching us?" Evie continued conversationally with T.E as she nodded to Rowena in thanks. Her sister had been weakened by the mercury but she seemed to be able to handle the male on her own.

"A week before you set foot in Venice." T.E , or Theodore was quickly turning purple as he struggled against Rowena's chokehold. Her sister only responded by tightening her thighs against the male's neck "I really wanted to learn more about your kind, there is more you than meets the eye. Everything I said about my feelings for you have been true, Evie."

"Why?" Evie moved back to slam Eli's head against the wall as she felt the male under her hands stir a little. She propped Eli's body against the wall before walking over to T.E. "You've been in our home and we trusted you. You know Eli's kind hates us, what's it to you?"

"I am a Descendant too." He stopped struggling to sink back down. "I know a little of our history but you didn't seem like the monsters Eli painted you to be."

"And what made you think that we should trust your words?" Rowena leaned over just a bit as she tightened her hold on T.E once again. "Especially since you decided to involve yourself with Eli?"

"I was only involved because I thought we were going to really help people, and we are going to with the merfolk's technologies." T.E held up his hands in surrender. "My father knew Eli, the man is nothing but a cog in the machine. Eli isn't the threat, my father is."

Evie could see it in his eyes, a mixture of fear and honesty as his words rang in her ears.

"Wait." Evie motioned Rowena to stop, and her sister begrudgingly released the male from her chokehold to allow the two to talk.

Evie waited until Rowena stepped aside before she turned back to T.E.


"Remember when I said that I had family roots here?"

"I vaguely recall." Evie leaned against the wall to support her weight. She could feel her energy picking up again, as if it had burned away all traces of mercury in her system. Her limbs felt lighter than before and she could think with a clearer head.

"He was a Descendant, my grandmother was human and my grandfather had Merfolk ancestry. He had been raised both on land and with our people."

"Impossible." Evie eyed him as T.E got to his feet, swaying slightly. "Unless he was born before the Great Relocation."

"That's what I'm saying. He was born before the Great Relocation and he was the last heir to the Blackburn family who heavily opposed all efforts to separate from the humans."

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