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Evie slowly opened her eyes to look into T.E's blue ones hovering above her with a soft smile. The male was breathing hard as he propped himself up on his forearms to nestle himself between her legs and used a hand to grab her waist.

Giggling, she moved to unhook her legs from his hip and started to untangle herself from him. Hopping off the bed to head into the bathroom to clean up, she was leaning over the sink to catch a breath as a barrage of knocks against the door calling her name had her sprint over and rip the door open to see a panicked T.E pacing around the room cursing under his breath.

"Shit, Ev, we didn't use protection." T.E was still breathing hard, not from lust like before but something resembling that of a panic attack. He was pulling at his hair as he whirled around to her apologising.

Evie debated searching for a brown paper bag to hand to him to breathe into before deciding to take a more diplomatic route in calming him down.

"I am so sorry I should have been more responsible. I didn't think it through. Shit. Should we go get the morning after pill and a pregnancy test? Screw that, I'll go get it for you." He grabbed his previously discarded pants from the floor and pulled them on hopping around, gesturing Evie to do the same.

"T.E." Evie reached out to hold onto his arm in her bid to make him stop hopping. "It's fine I was on birth control."

Her hands went up into her hair as she tugged at the ends, coffee was the only thing that took away that vile taste from those concoctions that Rowena always kept on hand for the girls. Not that she minded, she had to stay guarded and sharp if she indulged in distractions like this.

His visibly tensed back relaxing at those words he turned around to face Evie, relief flooding his eyes.

"Thank you though, for considering me." Evie chuckled as she reached down to grab her dress off the floor, shimmying back into it. "Glad to know that we are being responsible adults though."

"I should have asked before we did..all that. I'm sorry." T.E waved his free hand awkwardly at the bed.

Pillows were knocked aside, his blanket joining the mess on the floor next to the shredded pieces of fabric that Evie recognised as her underwear. She didn't want to think how that had occurred because she remembered how much those had cost.

Wanting to drop the subject, Evie moved closer to T.E as she started to kiss up his neck.

"You uh, were pretty good at the stuff." T.E's voice was a timbre lower as his adam's apple bobbed nervously.

"Thanks." Evie paused her administrations to his neck to cock an eyebrow. "Would it be weird to admit that it's been a while for me too?"

"Nah, I call bullshit. Any man would be lucky to have you." T.E's hands found her waist and move downwards to cup her ass. Evie used that opportunity to nip at his earlobe.

He let out a forced breath. "Goddam, woman. I think I'm already in love."

"No, you're not." Evie responded immediately, stretching up and moved away to settle herself more comfortably on T.E's bed. The male gave a small whine of protest until she patted the bed, indicating for him to join her. "It's just your post-nut brain talking." T.E climbed in behind her, resting his back against his bed's wall as Evie leaned against him between his legs.

"Well, maybe you're wrong." The male wasted no time kissing along the side of her neck as well, it felt good but Evie couldn't help but feel distracted as she caught sight of her now bare arms.

"No, I'm pretty sure I'm right." She felt extremely exposed now with her bare back against T.E's front and backed up even closer to T.E. "I'll give you another 30 seconds before I ask my next question."

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