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They had made quite a sight, heading over to the Beck estate to care for the serpents and clean themselves up.

Clarion had promised Evie that he could come by every day to see if the egg has hatched and check in on Naga. After ensuring that the serpents had any injuries tended to and were fed, Clarion, Dana and Evie were quickly escorted into a room to clean off.

Who knew seaweed could adhere to hair so well? Its gel-like substance kept Evie's hair in a semi-permanent updo that Dana and Cas had affectionately compared to as a 'frohawk'.

Evie regretted trying to tip herself belly up to try to shake her hair free of seaweed remains. That required her taking out her braids that held so well all day.

Cas had taken upon himself to discreetly snap a couple of offending images of Evie covered in seaweed, ensuring that they made it to his sister before Evie could wrestle his phone away from him. But he made it up to her by helping her pick out any remaining pieces from her hair.

He had more to make up for first, she would take her time to figure out payback.

Evie had muttered something to Cas about stuffing seweed into places where the sun didn't shine before checking her watch.

She froze. "Poseidon's saggy left bum. I am going to be so late to meet T.E."

Giving Dana and Clarion quick hugs goodbye promising to message them later tonight, Evie took off back to the island where her boat was waiting.


As Cas steered the boat along as fast as he could, Evie hopped around her tiny room pulling down her dress and strapping on some low nude heels. It was a red dress that wrapped around her with short loose sleeves and brushed the top of her thighs.

She had also paused to wedge herself between the dresser and bed. Cas seemed determined to fly and not sail when he offered to drive. She had tried steadily herself to apply some lipstick beforehand only for the tube to drag across her face as the boat rolled to the right, almost lodging the tube up her left nostril.

"CAS." Evie hollered, staggering out of her room.

"Could you be any worse in sailing?"

She gripped the staircase railing as she gingerly climbed the stairs, scrubbing the excess lipstick off her face with a cloth only to see Cas reading a book and Finn manning the wheel.

"Oops sorry Ev." Finn turned around to flash her a sheepish smile before turning back around. "Thought you wanted to get there on time to see your human."

"His name is T.E, leave him alone Finn." Evie sighed, she didn't have the energy to entertain Finn who was clearly in one of his moods.

"Just trying to be a useful friend and providing some moral support." Finn replied with an incriminating smile.

Evie ignored him as she pulled out a compact mirror Morrigan had slipped her to check to see that all the lipstick stains have been cleaned off. He was getting on her nerves and she needed to take charge of the situation.

Snapping the compact shut, Evie walked over and elbowed him away.

"Sit. I'll drive."

"I thought I'm better at driving." Finn argued.

"No, Evie's better." Cas disagreed from behind his book. "Listen to my Viceroy, Beck."

Knowing that he went too far, Finn meekly obliged and did so next to Cas who paused his reading long enough to raise an eyebrow at him. The prince had been surprisingly quiet during this exchange.

"What about the coastal guard reports?" Evie questioned the prince. Her back was to him but she knew that he had his eyes trained on her back.

"Dana will take care of it." Came Cas' reply. "We do not have enough proof to say that this has been the fault of anyone on our end, or the Descendants."

"No, we can't just go around pointing fingers. The Descendants living around here are innocent." Evie's fingers gripped the steering wheel a little tighter. The thought of such issues being blamed without proof made her blood boil.

She ran her fingers through her hair absentmindedly, post-orca incident she had taken to remove the braids Cas had done in the morning and shook her hair out. At the speed they were going Evie felt her hair quickly air dry.

If only her throbbing migraine would disappear.

"You okay?" Cas had moved to stand beside her and reached out to put a hand on her shoulder. He reached out to twirl a lock that had escaped and settled itself against her nose. "Migraine?"

"Slight one." Evie winced as she pressed her temples, attempting a joke. "Nothing alcohol can't fix."

The corners of Cas' mouth twitched. She didn't want to read too much into the fact that Cas had also given her  once over. But she couldn't really understand the meaning behind his darkened eyes.

Trick of the light from the setting sun. Perhaps.

"Are you sure alcohol solves everything?"

"Still considered a hydrating beverage for us." Evie retorted as she gave him a weak smile.

"Not scientifically speaking."

"Still a liquid." Evie tossed her hair behind her shoulders.

"I did forget that our kind was responsible for that term, 'drinking like a fish'."

Turning back to the wheel, Evie followed the winding canals to where she was to meet T.E. She was thankful that she insisted on double checking the coordinates from one of his previous text messages.

La Zuccha lit up the streets, bathing the canal waters in a soft golden glow. T.E was seated outside of the restaurant, near one of the open windows and waved her over when he caught sight of Evie.

Ignoring the stares of Cas and Finn behind her as she jumped off the boat, she had started to walk towards T.E who had let out a low whistle as he took her in.

"Wow, just wow." T.E grinned as he kissed her twice on her cheeks that had her cheeks redden slightly.

"You clean up pretty well yourself." She rested her arms around his neck. His body against hers felt solid and firm, and his hands felt nice on her waist as he returned the favor.

"Thanks for waiting so patiently for me, I got caught up at work." She quickly added as she released him, drawing back to stare at him appreciatively once again.

Goddess could he wear a shirt. T.E had a casual button up and dark jeans that fit his physique well. A simple black watch sat on his wrist, its surface reflecting the lights around us.

"Evie." T.E reached out for her hand and pressed a kiss on her fingers like before. "Up for some dinner?"

She could only nod eagerly, her stomach rumbling with approval as she made to move past him. Only to almost bump into him when T.E didn't move from his spot.

T.E seemed to be staring past her at something as he lifted an eyebrow, Evie could only turn around with a sinking feeling as she followed his line of gaze.

"Would your friends be joining us for dinner as well?"


This reminds me of that scene in Grey's anatomy where Patrick Dempsey's character is in the lift with his exes and ex wife.


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