Flash of gold

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A few months later

Music softly pulsed throughout her room as Evie braced her hands against the spinning dance pole, hanging upside down. Moving in sync with the beat, Evie's legs moved to grip the pole as she slowly tumbled her way downwards, allowing the ground to catch up to her.

Just as she landed softly on her hands and belly to untangle her legs from the shiny steel, her door burst open and she looked up to see both her younger sisters striding in with an matching looks on their faces.

Morrigan, the older one, surveyed  Evie's position on the floor and impatiently started. "About time-"

"- We were supposed to meet the others for dinner in about ten minutes and you know how long I've waited to visit the city Evie." Rowena finished. Her irises flashing golden just for a split second before she went on. "How dare you keep me from observing their architecture."

"Ya need to calm down."

Rowena was in disbelief as she stared down her sister.

"Did-Did you just abbreviate a one syllable word?"

"'Twas possible."

"Now you are just trying to aggravate me even more by trying to use the word 'twas'."

Evie rolled her eyes as she got up. "'Twasn't trying to."

Stretching her arms above her head, she grinned as she mirrored her youngest sister's features by pulling down the corners of her lips into a pout.

Rowena's hair was dark and thick like Evie's that ended at her shoulders whilst Evie's hair curled past her waist. Morrigan's hair was a little bit lighter than her sisters with golden highlights that caught the sun.

The three sisters held similar facial features to their mother, almond shaped eyes that complimented their high cheekbones and full lips. Evie took after their father with his brown eyes, down to the single black stripe running diagonally through the iris and pupil on the right.

Other than the difference in hair, Morrigan and Rowena resembled miniature versions of their mother when she was their age. Their identical stormy grey eyes that were almost black, flashing gold when emotional. The only difference between them other than age being the birthmark resting on Morrigan's right temple.

"Yes, I know, Mother and Father called to tell me that they were going up ahead to meet Cas and his family first for drinks before dinner. I'm driving." Evie replied, heading off to the bathroom to change and fished around the depths of her bag for her keys.

"Only because the boat was assigned to you." Came Morrigan's resounding sigh.

Finally locating her keys, Evie bit back her retort to Morrigan.

She paused as she walked past her full-length mirror, taking in the markings of her arms and back. It had been a few months since that incident when she found herself trapped in the middle of a lightning storm at least a day's swim from where she and Cas were based at during that job assignment.

Her veins stood out in contrast against her skin, marking out her circulatory system in blue.

She had vaguely recalled flashes of red, blistering and angry scars that quickly appeared on her body when she was struck by that strange blue lighting. The felt pain indescribable, recounting it. But her scars had healed almost immediately before she blacked out.

She awoke to discover that a network of dark blue patterns had formed, starting from the back of her neck and stopping at her elbows and waist. 

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