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Watching Irma present her findings with her team of scientists to the Venetian council board and Mayor Fontus, Evie had drifted in and out of thought about Finn's last question to her. She had gone over the data findings with Finn prior to the meeting about the type of information Reefine.

Irma had been useful in pointing out the significance of the different activities the human diving companies had been conducting in the older parts of the human city. She was glad that she didn't have to interact with Finn as much in their pre-meeting briefing and kept it as formal as she could.

At least Finn had the decency to respect her decisions and did not broach the subject again.

Soil types, building capacities and water quality - her mind was on autopilot. Mentally sorting out the provided information while trying to make sense of Reefine's objectives as the meeting drew to an end.

Thank the goddess that Cas was nowhere to be seen, she wasn't sure where he had disappeared off to and she simply assumed that he was busychecking in on the living quarters that the both of them had been working on for the groups of Descendants arriving in the city as part of their integration programs.

They were the first few things Cas had proposed to the current rulers as part of his new reforms before he took the throne which had taken a little more time than expected for them to move onto the next stage. Every region had their own set of problems that they future King had quickly taken on. Evie felt a sense of pride swell in her chest for Cas.

Not that anyone had objected with their history of separating the Merfolk from their human counterparts that produced Descendants with the Merfolk gene. General Mazu and Morrigan had also been preoccupied with distributing aid with those directly affected by Reefine's activities, both Merfolk and Descendants alike.

Leaving her boat docked at their building on land, Evie changed into her jeans and sneakers before walking to the nearest bar.

Her mind weighed down with thoughts and she needed a drink.

As she ordered a whiskey, Evie heard her name being called from the furthest end of the bar. Turning to see T.E waving to her and seated next to a girl about their age, Evie couldn't help but smile as she walked over to give T.E a kiss on the cheek.

The girl seated next to T.E had immediately got up afterwards and moved to make way for Evie before introducing herself as Selene, a childhood friend of T.E's.

She was beautiful, fair skinned with curly red hair that looked like it was kissed by fire. The girl's face were framed with the softest brown eyes and a scent that reminded Evie of hazelnuts. Selene was dressed head to toe in black despite the warm summer evening that had started to cool down with the setting sun.

Evie found out that Selene had made a surprise visit from the English countryside to see how T.E was doing.

"Our families knew each other even before we were born." Selene mused with a half-smile at T.E as she swirled the red around before she took another sip from her glass.

"My parentswere always busy, but I knew that I could always count on T.E to have my back."

"Of course Selene, you are like family." He then turned to Evie smiling, "Selene was the sister that I never had."

Noting that Selene's eye contact wavered slightly from the corner of her eye in response to T.E's statement Evie decided to change the subject. It wasn't her place to comment on T.E's personal life.

Still, she couldn't help but feel for the girl that had just experienced something that the humans had taken to call a 'friendzone". She didn't understand the meaning of the metaphorical ideology behind it.

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