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What had happened next felt like a dream, the various echoes of gunshots and the cries of Evie's friends appearing and disappearing before she opened her eyes. For some reason, she could have sworn that she felt a figure hovering over her just moments before.

Sitting upright before wincing and clutching her ribs, Evie noted that she was freshly scrubbed and tucked into a white bed. It took a little more time for her to peel past the starch white sheets to assess her body.

A series of blue and black bruises dotted the side of her torso surrounding the various bullet scars that were stitched up. She was in a hospital room of some sort, the smell of antiseptic and disinfectant stinging her nostrils.

An IV drip was hooked up next to her on the bed and Evie moved immediately to rip it out of her, stifling a little cry as her body protested yet again. Not a single bottle of alcohol was in sight as she slowly removed the other wires attached to her body.

Thank the goddess for their accelerated healing abilities even while injuries tainted with mercury took longer to heal. She'd take stitches and scars any day.

Immediately, whatever energy that she had accumulated in the short rest time she had disappeared as she sank back into her pillows. She couldn't help but close her eyes again.

She was alone in the room. The time in the hospital after the lighting incident did not help to endear her to her current environment.

The quiet steps of someone entering the room didn't really dawn on her until they lifted a hand to brush a few strands of her hair away from her face.

"Get me something deep fried and smothered in chocolate." Evie murmured as she person drew their hand back sharply. She opened her eyes to meet Cas' green gaze. Those familiar sparks never went away, even as she tried to stop that flutter that made its reappearance in her chest. "I'm calling in all my vacation time starting right-."

A spritz of water in her face made her stop mid-sentence. Her eyelid twitched as she slapped the plastic spray bottle out of Cas' hands as he lifted it again to spritz her face. "Oi, cut it out."

"The only liquids you had recently was alcohol." Cas frowed slightly, running a hand through his hair. Evie noticed that his bloodshot eyes had dark shadows under them."I filled up this empty spray bottle I found in the supply closet with spring water."

"Alcohol's still a liquid." Evie gingerly lifted a shoulder.

"You need. To stay. Hydrated." He had changed his clothes, swapping his wetsuit for a white shirt that stood in contrast to his olive skin and dark blue jeans as he tried to give her his best patient smile and gestured towards the now abandoned IV drip next to her. "That means keeping that attached to you."

"What did the good doctor give me this time?" Evie hid all evidence of her body's reactions to Cas as she inclined her head towards her previously abandoned IV stand. "And where's my family?"

"Nothing much. After you collapsed, we took you to the nearest hospital run by our people with Clarion. Your sisters took your parents back home to get some rest and get a change of clothes." Cas moved towards the tube that Evie had ripped out of her arm and raised an eyebrow.

"Nothing a salt spring couldn't cure, and some peach schnapps. I see humans using them all the time, but we need to up to champagne ratio." Evie avoided his eyes as she scanned the room, her eyes fell on an envelope propped up next to her bedside table. Making her do a double take at its stamped seal. "What's this?"

A black outline of a ship with red sails. Cas' lips thinned.

"I didn't see this when I left the room." Cas hesitated as he reached over to pass Evie the envelope. "Eli and his men that were present had all been taken care of and we had this section of the hospital guarded."

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