Clear eyes, full hearts

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"They've been sweeping closer to the city's entrance." Dana sighed, her fingers drumming impatiently as she prodded the map in front of the mermaids on the conference table.

Mayor Fontus' working chambers had become Evie, Dana and Rowena's semi-permanent office to plan and strategize. Irma joined them occasionally when she had some time off from her research team in her own set of rooms that she had converted into a temporary laboratory.

"We've been using signal blockers to reposition any GPS maps they might have in those pods and gotten some of the Descendants on our side to follow them. Just to where they dock their boats to slightly tinker with their navigation systems but there are just too many."

Dana had taken to rifle through her files that were scattered along the long table, finally finding the one she was looking for and tossed it to Evie who caught it with one hand.

"There aren't just coming from this particular region as well." Irma stated to no one in particular. "This operation seems to cover the whole of Europe."

She was sitting down on one of the conference room chairs with her tail drawn up to her as she spoke. Her eyes never left the hologram map that Dana and Evie had been poring over in the last hour.

Several other hologram maps surrounded the mermaids in the room in 3D form showcasing the underwater city and its other regions that held their borders.

"We've seen some movements coming in from Russia and China as well where they have been sending in their own team of divers to comb the surrounding islands from here to Greece." Irma grumbled.

"What are the chances that this has spread to the other regions as well?" Evie pressed a few buttons on her phone's screen. "We will need to inform the council."

Irma tossed a half eaten tuna roll away and resumed staring at her fins."I wouldn't be surprised if the other big powers of the world are involved too. The type of technology Reefine seems to be sharing with them seems too good to miss." 

Dana and Evie shared a look. Irma didn't seem to be herself the last few days, her long blonde hair even seemed to reflect its owner's mood as it drooped slightly. Dark circles under her eyes spoke about the lack of sleep she has been getting.

"Irma, have you seen Rowena lately?" Evie asked, her words carefully measured. Irma snorted.

"She's busy with those people at Reefine, as usual." Irma rolled her eyes, flashing golden before it turned back to its usual black before muttering. "She's probably hanging out with Helena. Helena probably knows everything, she's bloody perfect." 

Realising that she had uttered her last sentence out loud with the mermaids still in the room her eyes widened. "Not that I have anything against it I mean, Row's more than welcome to be with other people it's just that it's Reefine." She cleared her throat awkwardly before picking at the ends of her fins. "And I'm worried for her."

"Rowena's smart and she knows what she's doing, don't worry Irma." Evie tugged her arm until Irma was floating in front of her. "In the meantime how about we head out for a quick lunch break? And a nap might be good before our last meeting of the day with Fontus. You're only due for a briefing then."

"Clear eyes, full hearts. Can't lose." Irma nodded, grateful for the change in subject as Evie steered her towards the kitchens. A spread greeted them, fish egg salads wrapped up in seaweed, fresh oysters and clams from the morning's catch.

Evie sat Irma down as Dana started to fill up a plate of Irma's favourite dishes in silence, munching on some seaweed crackers until someone dropped into a chair next to her.

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