Serpents or coral reefs

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The rest of the meetings passed in a blur, with Mayor Fontus starting his briefing on how the locals had taken to their proposals to prepare for the upcoming events. Finn had then continued with updates on how their border defences will hold up.

The pain in behind Evie's eye increased at the thought of humans breaching the underwater city's defences. She made a mental note to find the nearest bar as she massaged her temples.

Cas had looked over in concern as he took touched her arm lightly, but she quickly shook him off with the pretext of pouring over meeting notes.

Suddenly whatever Finn was saying seemed extremely interesting to focus on.

Evie had taken it upon herself in the subsequent meetings to take notes and make suggestions when needed while Dana periodically making the introductions to various politicians and committee members to the Crown Prince. 
The sun was still up when they wrapped for the day, Evie's mind buzzing with the number of lists she had taken to make in response to the day's meetings. Updated strategies concerning military and civilian matters started to blur together as the cumulative stress started to pound at the back of her head.

She was just glad that her migraine had disappeared when Dana caught up to her.

Linking her arms between Cas and Evie she took off, barely allowing her to grab Finn as they raced ahead. 

"Your sister seems determined to kill us." Evie whispered in Finn's ear. "What will it be this time, serpents or coral reefs?"

"Probably the former." The ghost of a smile litup Finn's face as he nodded to a familiar landmark they passed. "I think we are heading back to our house."

Managing to move past various members on the Mayor's staff with surprising ease, she skidded to a stop in front of the Beck family estate before ducking inside a nearby cave on their property.

Emerging holding the reins of a massive sea serpent, a few of the other merfolk that worked on the Beck estate trailed behind her, holding a sea serpent each.

"Strabo, it's been too long my love" Evie cooed to the Dana's own blood-bound serpent. Strabo's jaws were big enough to swallow Evie whole, his body larger than several known islands put together. His scales shone black with a purple sheen, overlapping and covering his body. Each plate ranging from the size of her pinkie fingernail to large oval shields that some of the royal soldiers had made from discarded scales.

Strabo, like all sea serpents, had antlers resembling those of a stag with large soulful purple eyes and sharp claws big enough to tear through anything. Avoiding his long whiskers that grew out in two tufts from his snout, Evie bent down to give him a series of kisses on his nose and scratched under his chin where a white pearl was situated.

She turned around to hear Finn mutter to Dana under his breath that Evie had never greeted him with that much enthusiasm before back when they were dating.

"What was that Finn?"

"Ahem, nothing". Should we get going?" Cas's face was scrunched up in his efforts not to laugh, hearing Dana's response to her sibling to keep quiet or she'd get Strabo to eat him.

"Evie. You'll take Egede." Dana shook out her honey blonde hair, the light catching her tresses as she checked their riding gear before pointing to the other male sea serpentemerging from the cave who looked almost exactly like Strabo. "The boys can have Helena and Galbreath over there." She gestured to the two mermaids swimming up to them, reins in hand with serpents that were dark green and azure respectively.

Both mermaids paused to give the males massive smiles as Evie continued down to the last figure holding onto Egede, Strabo's twin brother. Both serpents were carbon copies of each other, the only difference being that Strabo had purple eyes while Egede eyes were dark brown.

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