Pasticceria Da Bonifacio

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Evie made it to the cafe in record time. Standing at the café's bar she turned around with her back to the baristas.

She loved taking in the sights of Venice, watching as the city started to wake up and go about their day.

People were walking about in the streets setting up their shops and Evie watched early bird tourists making a beeline to the basilicas. It was easy to slip into a pre-coffee daze, her eyes falling on a gorgeous blonde chatting with one of the other baristas.

Actually, scratch that. Evie had to correct herself as the blonde shifted again, her hair seemed to be more of a strawberry blonde colour unlike Dana's that seemed golden in sunlight.

She wasn't so sure as to why she had bothered to even note that.

There was just something familiar about her. From her grey-blue eyes to the gold adorned around her ears, Evie couldn't put her finger on it. But she felt drawn to the girl as she watched her perform a couple of card tricks to the amusement of a small crowd that had started to gather around her.

Evie's eyes fell on her outfit, a long sleeved shirt that covered her neck and torso to the ripped black jeans. Normal articles of clothing that the humans could be found wearing, but they made her look out of this world.

She might also have imagined something dark blue around her neck that caught her attention as she moved her hair out of the way.

A trick of the light, perhaps.

Evie wasn't sure because she had yet to have coffee and quickly dismissed it as she heard someone calling out her name.

Evie turned around to see T.E waving at her from behind the counter, holding a tiny cup of coffee in his hands.

"How does an espresso sound right about now?" He asked.

T.E's dimples became more pronounced as he walked around the bar and carefully set down the cup and saucer next to Evie before reaching over the counter to pull up his cappuccino.

A bigger plate followed, with a panino made with freshly grilled egg, ham and tomatoes. Evie started to cut the panino into pieces before leaning in to devour it. 

"T.E, I think you've single-handedly figured out the way to a girl's heart." Evie put her hand up to her heart in mock disbelief, attempting to keep a straight face until she burst out laughing.

"I could kiss you right now. The coffee is amazing, thank you."

"Guess my Aunt was right about living in one of the coffee capitals in the world. Learning how to make good coffee. On top of my university studies of course." T.E smiled, his sparkling blue eyes that reminded her of the waters of the Maldives.

His bruise had faded slightly and Evie resisted the temptation to reach out and touch it as she leaned forward to take in his scent. Smoky resin and violets.

"I thought today's breakfast was supposed to be my way of apologizing for yesterday's incident."

"Of course you are." T.E took a sip of his cappuccino. "I get to start my day by having coffee with one of the most beautiful women I've ever seen in my life."

"One of?" Evie hid her grin behind her mug.

"Other than my mother, of course." The corners of T.E's mouth twitched as he gestured towards himself from head to toe. "If not how would you explain all of this?"

"Extremely humble about that too, I see." Evie rolled her eyes with a smile. "No wonder Rowena didn't object with today's breakfast section."

"Your sister is the most dispassionate student I have ever come across in a class. But brilliant nonetheless." T.E chuckled with mirth as he set his cup down, his fingers brushing Evie's as he did so. "Despite her flair for the theatrics in class presentations that says otherwise, she coud give any of the university professors a run for their money."

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