Sweet Escape 4

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Sweet Escape 4

"Are you ready to go in yet?" Addison asks Meredith tenderly, as she keeps stroking her hair.

"No," says Meredith, clutching onto Addison's waist.

Oh, she's so soft.

"Alright then," Addison smiles, and holds Meredith's shoulders again.

"It's just such a train wreck," says Meredith with a sigh.

"Hey, you're doing great out there," Addison says encouragingly.

"Yeah, easy for you to say, the hero who saves babies left and right. And I'm just the-" Meredith goes on to rant about it, but Addison shushes her with two fingers gently placed over her lips.

"There's no need to be self-critical, Meredith. Internship is hard, it's alright to feel down from time to time," says Addison.

"I bet you were never like this," says Meredith.

"Ha, hardly," says Addison. "Only, to be honest, I was more like Dr. Stevens," says Addison.

"Right, but the redheaded version," Meredith laughs.

"Right," says Addison. "But no other differences," she laughs along also.

Eventually, Meredith realizes that their dinner is slowly getting cold, and they're going to end up being suspicious, and Addison reasons with her that the sooner they start eating again, the sooner the dinner will be over.

"Mmkay," says Meredith, agreeing with her but not moving yet.

"Am going to have to detach you?" Addison teases.

"Maybe," Meredith sighs into the crook of Addison's neck.

"Mm, and if I tickle you?" Addison's expression glints with mischief.

"OKAY I'M GOING NOW!" Meredith escapes faster than the speed of light, sprinting back to her place at dinner to avoid at all costs being tickled.

"Well that was easy," says Addison with a chuckle as she too takes her place at the table.

By the time they are back, there's another guest at the table, because Alex Karev is sitting in the corner place and lapping up a whole plate of Izzie's chicken.

"It's good," says Alex as he devours a second plate nearly immediately.

"So Alex, what do you do? Have you picked a surgical specialty yet?" Susan Grey asks him politely.

"Plastics," says Alex. "Even though Dr. Sloan doesn't want to have anything to do with me," Alex shrugs.

"Ah, that's just Mark, he can be a bit of an... Interesting teacher. Don't let him push you around, Karev, says Addison."

"Thanks, Dr. Montgomery," says Alex, his hands still on a chicken wing.

He grins up at her, and Addison laughs, and it makes Meredith irrationally jealous.

Meredith figures her hormones must be acting up or something, because she has no right to be angry at Addison for just playing nice, but the redhead has started to work her way under her skin, and now she's upset because Addison is smiling at Alex, and she just doesn't know what to do with herself.

"And what specialty would you like to go into, Meredith?" Susan Grey asks her.

"Umm, I don't know yet," says Meredith honestly.

She has to snap her eyes back to her step-mother again, because she'd been ogling the way Addison had been twirling her fork around her vegetables so delicately.

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