Sweet Escape 7

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Sweet Escape 7

After Addison's come over to dinner, things have shifted in the dynamic between her and Meredith.

Things are calmer, more gentle, and even friendly.

With all the positive attention that Meredith has been getting from Addison, she's almost forgotten about Derek McDreamy entirely.


Derek hasn't forgotten about her though, and he starts following her around like a puppy and asking her to go out with him with the promise of steaks.

"Umm, I can't tonight, sorry Derek," Meredith mumbles, as she rattles off some excuses.

"So, tomorrow then?" Derek offers.

"Oh sorry, I have this thing..." Meredith mumbles, hoping that he'll take the hint and leave her alone.

"What is this thing that you're talking about? Surely it can't be as tempting as a date with me, right?" Derek smiles his smile, and Meredith almost gives into it.

He is fun, and he does have nice hair, and Meredith misses him in a way, even after the whole drama with Addison showing up.

But Addison showing up is precisely why she cannot bring herself to say yes to him, and instead, she fumbles an excuse about a baby's checkup with her, and Derek finally seems to lay off her.

"Thatcher and Susan want me to be a part of Laura Grey-Thompson's life, and I'm warming up to it, so that's what's been keeping me busy," Meredith sighs, and Derek says he's happy that Meredith is making amends with them.

"Hey, you don't get to judge me about my family. Family is complicated," Meredith grumbles.

"I wasn't judging," says Derek.

"I know, sorry it's just sensitive for me," says Meredith, forgiving him for that last part because he really didn't mean it.

Derek walks away then, and Meredith rushes to the OB-GYN wing because she just invented a fictional appointment with herself and her newborn niece and she needs it to be true before Derek calls her out for being a liar.

The moment she sees Addison alone there, just checking up on the babies her heart lightens and some of her stress melts away.

Addison is holding a newborn up in the sky and waving it around as it coos lightly.

"H-hi," Meredith says nervously as she enters the room.

"Hello, Meredith," says Addison sweetly, and Meredith's heart explodes a little bit at Addison's use of her first name.

"Hi-" Meredith repeats again, fidgeting with her hands as she watches Addison cuddle the baby.

"Look at this little one," Addison shows the baby off. "Weeks old, and already giggles," she says, as she lifts the baby up in the air again.

"Very cute," says Meredith, smiling widely as she watches Addison care for the infant.

In her head, Meredith can't help but snap back to when she was on the sing with Addison, how the motion rocked them both, and how Addison had been equally comforting.

'Maybe it's just an Addison-thing,' Meredith imagines to herself.

"What, do you want a turn?" Addison teases lightly.

Meredith flushes at Addison guessing exactly what she never knew until that moment she wanted; Addison holding her up, twirling her in the air, cherishing her.

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