Sweet Escape 3

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Sweet Escape 3

When Izzie says she's cooking, she really freaking means it.

It's only the appetizer, but already, you've had a basaltic glazed salad with fennel and edible flowers.

Meredith thinks this must all be finger food for Dr. Montgomery, but she compliments it anyway, and it appears strangely genuine.

"It's so nice to have a home-cooked meal," Addison says, "Izzie is quite the chef."

This causes Meredith to realize that Addison hasn't been eating home-cooked meals for a while, and then suddenly, she realizes she divorced Derek so she must have moved out of his trailer.

Meredith has no idea where it is, though, but it must be somewhere not permanent enough to have a full kitchen, but for long enough she hasn't eaten that well in a while.

It makes Meredith want to kidnap her or something, and feed her more and more of Izzie's muffins.

All of these absolutely absurd thoughts that have no place swimming around in her head right now.

Meredith fleetingly debates asking Addison to stay the night with her, but then, she realizes this isn't actually an appropriate time to be asking such a thing so she tries to jump back into the actually occurring conversation.

What the hell am I thinking!?

"So, Meredith, you know Dr. Montgomery here tells me you did a great job with Molly Grey's surgery. We really appreciate it, you know," Susan Grey offers politely.

"Oh-" Meredith squirms. "Well, actually I-" Meredith panics, and begins to confess that she'd actually nearly screwed it up entirely.

"I'm sorry for panicking in there, I mean, she's my kid right, so I was just so worried. Sorry for pushing you," Susan Grey adds.

"It's alright, really-" Meredith sighs.

"Meredith did some good research for that case," Addison offers supportively, and Meredith blushes under her attentive gaze.

"Well, I'm just glad that I got to meet my grandchild!" pipes in Thatcher Grey.

"I apologize myself, it was less than a sound decision to have Meredith working there with family, it was a tough position for her to be, and in the future, I'll re-evaluate such choices," Addison continues professionally.

Meredith studies Addison's expression for a while, seeing the insecurity in Addison's eyes for the first time. Generally, Addison is so composed, so it throws Meredith off for a moment to see her struggle.

"Well, you did your work well," Thatcher says flatly, and that seems to be the end of that.

"Thank you," Meredith whispers to Addison quietly as she watches her father pour himself another drink.

Meredith winces a little as he slams the bottle back on the table, and as she opens her eyes, she notices that Addison's subconsciously done the same.

It makes Meredith wonder for a minute what kind of demons that Addison's faced in her past, and her thoughts spiral for a little while until Susan Grey picks up the conversation again.

"So, Meredith, how have your other cases at the hospital been so far since your residency's started?" Susan Grey asks her. Somehow Susan must have sensed that family is a touchy topic, and despite sort-of hating Susan Grey for parachuting into her life unexpectedly, Meredith is at the very least grateful that she's being shifted back closer to her comfort zone.

"It's been exciting," Meredith begins, and then she searches her brain for cases she can give as examples. She doesn't want to talk about Derek, so neuro is out. She doesn't want to talk about Steve who she'd slept with, so that's out as well. She doesn't want to talk about the bomb because her fake-mother will just real-worry about her. So she finally decides to tell her about the patient who needed a colectomy where Richard Webber let her scrub in.

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