Are you Jealous?

588 41 16

A/N: Merry Christmas Folks, to all who celebrate it!


Gakushuu dipped his feet in the hot steaming water as he hung out in the hot tub of the pool area. The glass ceiling above was steaming up, blocking but some of the stars.

Itona sat down next to him eating a hot dog while the others were jumping into the pool. "Are all your friends this rich?"

"Huh?" Gakushuu raised an eyebrow. "Not particularly." He looked around the large space, the expensive stone tiles and glass walls and ceiling of the pool area encasing the room in warmth from the harsh winter outside. "Ren's family just likes to show off."

Itona hummed, looking around warily.

Seo and Koyama hadn't been able to make it since they'd been dragged to visit their relatives in the country; Seo had been texting his complaints in the group chat. So Araki was self-consciously lingering by the pool watching their classmates Kanada, Satsuki, and Miura play in the pool with floating toys against Fuwa and Nakamura.

Karma was eating from the platter of food in the corner along with Terasaka, Nagisa, and Takebayashi. The whole room was warm, with a large fireplace at the far end, making it feel like summer with everyone in shorts and t-shirts.

"Does Sakikabara throw parties like this for you a lot?" Itona asked.

Gakushuu shrugged, watching as Ren came back with a large box of soft drinks. "More or less, though I don't ask." He frowned a little the more he thought about it. "He's...he's just a good friend."

Ren had been arranging birthday parties for him since he was ten when Gakushuu had said his dad no longer bought him birthday presents.

Itona hummed, eating his hot dog. "I figured."

"Hey, I got more drinks!" Ren dumped them on the table.

"Oh, thanks." Nagisa smiled, eating some snacks off his plate. "How did you get so much food for the party?"

"My step-mom owns catering business," Ren replied easily. "She gets really busy around this time of year so she let me have all the leftovers." He walked over to where Gakushuu was. "Just wait until you see your cake."

The corner of Gakushuu's lips curved up slightly. "Is it any more ridiculous than last year's?"

Ren grinned, scooting in between him and Itona. "Hopefully, I asked her to outdo herself this year."

"Asano, Ren! Come join us!" Satsuki teased, wearing a bikini that reminded Gakushuu a little too much of Bitch-sensei's wardrobe.

"Yeah!" Kanada cheered. "Why are all the boys over there?"

Ren grinned. "Hey, Araki, you heard them! Get in!" he yelled, causing Araki to flush.

"I just ate!" Araki spluttered, growing redder.

"No you didn't, Karma replied, wandering over to them.

"Shouldn't the food ideally not be in the pool area?" Takabayashi commented, sitting next to Itona.

Ren didn't look concerned, sinking into the hot tub. "The cleaners will sort out any mess."

"Are they going to spoon feed us as well?" Itona commented dryly.

Ren chuckled, smile not quite meeting his eyes. "If you want."

Gakushuu rolled his eyes and sank into the hot tub when Karma, Terasaka, and Nagisa got in.

"When are we opening gifts?" Karma asked, looking suspiciously eager.

"Later." Gakushuu narrowed his eyes. "And you better not have given me some weird spices."

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