A good death

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A/N: And, that's a wrap, people! I finally managed to finish this.

Thanks to everyone who has read along; apologies for the typos and spelling errors as this chapter was a long one but I'll try to go back and make corrections.


Gakushuu had a dream that night, a surprise to himself since Terasaka's snoring was loud enough to keep everyone awake.

The dream started, with him sitting at the breakfast table opposite his father who was reading the newspaper, a hot mug of coffee in his hand. His breakfast was porridge, plain and tasteless. Everything in the kitchen was greyish green and felt too big.

That wasn't the odd part, though, what was unnerving was Ikeda's corpse was sitting in the seat next to him, in-between himself and his father.

His dad was ignoring the corpse, so Gakushuu tried not to look too but the stench from it was strong.

There was a rot in the air, but his dad didn't seem to notice that either, he just sipped his coffee and flicked to the next page in the newspaper.

Gakushuu shifted in the seat, trying to look but he couldn't ignore...

When he looked at the dead boy, Ikeda's skin was grey and wet from the water. Eyes empty and white without pupils. It was just a body.

It scared him, and he looked at his dad, wanting him to just get rid of the corpse, but...

Gakushuu's hands trembled as he reached out and gave the corpse a push, trying to get it away, but Ikeda's body just jolted to the side, making him jump back.

"Asano, eat your breakfast." His dad put down the newspaper finally and glanced at Ikeda's body, not phased in the slightest. Then just adjusted the corpse back into place as if he was re-arranging a porcelain doll. "You're going to be late for school."

Gakushuu couldn't move and just stared at him with wide eyes as he casually made sure the corpse was back in the same spot as before, like all of this was normal.

That this was a normal way to grieve, that it was normal, that the grief manifested into something that lingered and stayed just within sight, continuing to decay.

In a second, Ikeda's body shifted to Koro-sensei's decayed form, and it made him scream.

Gakushuu awoke with a start, clutching his pillow and breathing too fast and too loud.

Terasaka's snoring from the bed further down calmed him down, realising it was just a nightmare. Just a simple nightmare.

He breathed in and out slowly, trying to calm down as he looked around the dorm room of the government facility they were imprisoned in.

Gakushuu swallowed and closed his eyes again, loosening his vice grip on his pillow.

It was just a nightmare. Everyone was asleep, everyone was still here.  No one was dead yet.

He tried to go back to sleep.


The plan to escape was finalised when Bitch-sensei did what she did best and kissed underage children to transfer explosive parts.

Thankfully he'd been spared otherwise he may have jeopardised the mission by vomiting in the restroom.

He was pressing charges as soon as all this was over; the woman needed therapy and frankly, he just didn't really like her that much. Right now, though, that wasn't the priority, getting to Koro-sensei was.

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