Asking for help

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Gakushuu looked around the house to find his father. "...Dad?" The man wasn't in his office and most of the lights in the house off. "Hello?" He looked around the rest of the house, checking the rooms, but each one was empty.

He grew uneasy, frowning when he stepped on the unfinished puzzle in the living room. He wandered into the kitchen, which was empty as well, but the light had been left on.

Gakushuu sniffed, something in the air, he wandered to the recycling bin and found an empty bottle of wine that hadn't been there this morning or afternoon.

Oh, shit.

The house was quiet, so did that mean his father had left? Or was he asleep somewhere? How much alcohol had the man consumed? There was another bottle in the bin as well, alcohol units 15%...

15% units weren't too high, was it?

He stared at the bottle and grew on edge, debating what to do as he touched his phone.

It could still be nothing but...

Gakushuu took a deep breath, feeling cautious since dealing with his father sober was hard enough but if the man was drunk, which was very rare, then things could get ugly. He glanced at the cracked tile on the wall and absently touched his cheek, frowning at the memory.

He didn't really want to stay at the house anymore, craving the safety of Itona's apartment, but he couldn't just leave his dad alone if the man was drunk. He imagined a few worst-case scenarios and felt his stomach twist.

He clenched the bottle tight, before quietly putting it back in the bin, making sure it didn't make a sound.

His gaze shifted to the window where the crescent moon was shining and made a decision and sent a text message to Koro-sensei.

Asano: Korosensei, could you please come over? It's my dad.

He took a deep breath, feeling queasy as he stared at his phone and wondered if he'd done the right thing—

"ASANO, ARE YOU OKAY!?" Koro-sensei's face was smashed against the window, making him jump back in surprise. "SHOULD I CALL AN AMBULANCE!?"

Gakushuu frowned and opened the back door. "Why would we need to call an ambulance?"

"OH, THANK GOD!" Koro-sensei fretted over him, looking panicked. "You never ask for help. I was afraid someone was dead."

His frown grew. "No one's dead..." His stomach lurched. "Well, I don't think so..." He started to feel silly for contacting his teacher. "It's nothing, it's just I think my father's drunk and...well, there was an incident earlier and I don't feel comfortable dealing with him while he's not sober."

"Of course." Koro-sensei nodded, patting his head. "You did the right thing." He looked around the kitchen. "Now, where is he?"

"I'm not sure," Gakushuu replied, shrugging. "I've looked around but it doesn't look like he's home."

"Don't worry." Koro-sensei patted his head again. "You stay here while I go find him."

"Alright." Gakushuu hummed, sitting down at the kitchen table as the teacher zoomed off. He sighed, drumming his fingers on the table as he waited and watched the clock.

The wait turned into five and then ten minutes, as a few more minutes passed by with the clock ticking.

Then he felt a strong gush of wind that shook the curtains.

"I found him!"

Gakushuu rushed to his feet and headed to the living room to find his dad barely awake as he stumbled onto the sofa.

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