I bet you ugly cry

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Gakushuu ran outside the minute after the light hit, his shock quickly fading into fear, and then anger. "Damn it." He gritted his teeth, staring at the dome now encasing the mountain. "Ritsu!" He took out his phone. There were a number of people on the street outside of the restaurant staring at the dome in alarm.

"Is it some kind of concert?" Someone questioned.

Ritsu looked panicked when she appeared on the screen. "Asano, they've completely cut me off from my main unit!" She clutched her head. "I anticipated they'd put out an attack but not this public."

"I know." He checked the group chat as his phone started pinging. "Have the others already started heading out?"

"Fuwa's the closest," Ritsu replied, showing a tracker on the map with a few dots. "And Nakamura and Hara are heading out as well."

Then a message from Mr Karasuma came in, instructing them to do nothing at stay at home.

"He can't really expect us to do nothing can he?" Ritsu questioned.

Gakushuu's brow furrowed, re-reading the message. "It makes sense..." His brow furrowed, his chest feeling tight for some reason. "Are the others planning to ignore him?"

"I'm not sure, everyone's scrambling right now," Ritsu replied.

"Gakushuu?" His father stepped out of the restaurant and approached. "I assume your classmates are panicking?"

"No!" Ritsu replied somewhat defensively.

His father raised an eyebrow, glancing at the dome. "Hm." He looked back at him. "I've settled the bill and called the car. Come." He grabbed his shoulder, steering him down the street. "We'll head home and then I'll drop you off at Itona's."

"No, it's fine." Gakushuu stared at the messages coming in, wondering if Koro-sensei was injured; that was a huge blast, it would make sense if he sustained some injury. "Just drop me off at Itona's."

His father frowned, holding onto his arm as they walked to the car. "Did you get Mr Karasuma's text?"

"Yes," Gakushuu replied impatiently while staring at his phone.


Maehara: Big freaky dome? Kinda hard to miss.

Fuwa: More like an eyesore.

Kanzaki: Is everyone okay?

Isogai: Yeah, is anyone near the mountain?

Asano: Did you all see Mr Karasuma's text?

Nagisa: Yeah, and I saw military trucks.

Karma: They have to be desperate to pull a final move like this.

Itona: Well, it is March.

Mimura: So, what do we do?

There was a pause as Gakushuu re-read Mr Karasuma's text, while their driver pulled up the car in front of them. Then a text message came in from Itona.

Itona: Hey, I'm heading to the school, you coming?

Gakushuu stared at the message for a moment.

"Son?" His father was trying to steer him into the car, opening the door. "Get in."

Gakushuu's brow furrowed, stopping. "I need to meet up with Itona." He stepped back. "I'll get a taxi—"

"Absolutely not," his dad interrupted, grabbing his arm. "Mr Karasuma's instructions were clear and I won't have you rushing into something without proper planning."

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