Your number one best friend

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They were ten minutes into the 3-A and 3-E party and it was already turning into a disaster.

"Detaximation isn't a fucking word!" Terasaka slammed his fist on the games table, disturbing the English scrabble game.

Seo scoffed. "It is too! It's the removal of tax, idiot!"

"Uh..." Nagisa ducked a little. "That's detaxation..."

"Pfft, the same thing," Seo replied dismissively.

"It's not even spelt right!" Terasaka raged.

"Yeah, but you can barely spell as it is," Itona remarked while walking past.

Terasaka glared at him. "What did you say!?"

"Hey, settle down, brats!" Bitch-sensei walked by with a drink in hand. "Keep it friendly!"

Gakushuu sighed, downing his third expresso; he'd insisted on Tanaka bringing his coffee machine so he could get through this night.

"Wow, you really seem to like caffeine, Asano," Isogai commented, pouring himself a cup of punch that Yada had brought.

Gakushuu grimaced. "It's the only thing strong enough to get through this mess."

"Aw, don't be such a downer!" Maehara slung an arm around him. "Everyone's having fun!"

Gakushuu raised an eyebrow, sweeping the room with a wary gaze. "Karma's currently trying to spike Koyama's drink with wasabi."

"Oh..." Maehara gave a nervous laugh. "Well..."

Gakushuu sighed and moved out of his hold, walking over to prevent the disaster.

The two classes were gathered in the Old Campus building, the desks and chairs moved around to make enough room for a board game and food table. Koro-sensei had insisted on the valentine theme so there were streamers of pink and red, with balloons, paper hearts and confetti scattered around. So far everyone did seem to mingle a little, if not reluctant.

He couldn't really blame his classmates for being nervous since 3-E were the equivalent of a firecracker. Their high energy levels and spontaneousness were enough to make most jump out of their skin.

Gakushuu grabbed the drink from Koyama before the boy could drink it. "Don't."

"Huh?" Koyama frowned.

Gakushuu tossed the drink and shot Karma a look. "What did I say?"

Karma smirked. "I was just offering him a drink."

He scowled. "You're a menace." He grabbed Koyama's wrist. "Come on."

"Wait, what did he put in my drink!?" Koyama looked alarmed.

Gakushuu sighed. "It doesn't matter." He let go of the boy's wrist when they came to Ren and Okajima.

"Oh, hey, Asano." Okajima looked excited. "Me and Sakakibara here were just discussing our preferences in women."

"How fascinating," Gakushuu replied dryly.

Ren smirked, rubbing his chin. "I myself am a traditionalist when it comes to a women's beauty."

Gakushuu pinched the bridge of his nose. "I honestly don't care, Ren."

Ren chuckled, thinking he was joking. "Well, everything seems to be going well."

"Yeah, you guys aren't so bad," Okajima said.

"THAT'S IT!" Seo tossed the scrabble game on the floor. "This game is stupid! I don't want to play it anymore!"

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