He was going to kill him

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Watching Karma and Nagisa beat each other was both fascinating and entertaining, especially considering Karma had the advantage of physical strength.

They were all huddled together in the clearing below, watching the two boys fight.

Gakushuu watched in interested as Nagisa used his assassination skills to counter Karma's attacks, while also managing to stay standing after the redhead delivered a number of sharp blows to his stomach. The adaptability of the strength was impressive with the two opposite but strong types of talent butting heads.

Karma's fist pounded the bottom of Nagisa's chin. Nagisa stepped backwards, crouched down, and held his head in his hands, trying to minimize the pain. Karma didn't give him any time before sprinting over to him and lifting his leg as high as he could. He hammered it into Nagisa's head and Nagisa fell straight over in the dead leaves, motionless.

"That was an axe kick!" Terasaka said. "Bring one of those to the table and the other guy doesn't have a chance in hell!"

Gakushuu looked on grimly while a few of the others winced at the blow. He had to admit the blow seemed a little too brutal. The fact it seemed like Karma found the whole fight as a way to vent his unspoken issues towards the blue-haired boy, was mildly disturbing but considering he was a sadist it wasn't exactly surprising.

Karma walked back over to Nagisa. He raised the knife and prepared to strike, but Nagisa suddenly turned and clapped loudly, two inches from Karma's face.

Nearly all of them reeled back a little at the sudden move, watching anxiously when Karma kept standing and He looked up, glaring harshly but victoriously, his smile even bigger than before.

"How is he still standing?!" Yada questioned.

"He bit his tongue to keep from dropping!" Koro-sensei exclaimed.

Gakushuu eyes widened more. "His strategy during combat is impressive."

He'd underestimated just how analytical the delinquent was, it was becoming clearer as to how they'd tied in the final exams. Though, he'd never admit it to the boy's face.

Nagisa let go of the knife and let it fly past Karma's ear, still running at him as fast as he could. Nagisa wrapped his arms around Karma's neck from the side in a surprise move which looked like a full attack.

Nagisa gave a loud shout of effort, bringing himself and Karma to the ground.

"A triangle choke!" Terasaka exclaimed.

"A martial arts move?" Gakushuu frowned.

"If he used his signature move Karma could have anticipated it," Itona commented, recording the fight on his phone.

"True." Gakushuu watched as Karma was struggling to escape. "This is the first time I've seen Nagisa pull a move like this."

"With his carotid cinched, it's only a matter of time before he passes out!" Karasuma looked apprehensive and surprised. "Nagisa's chokehold is even more effective than it was earlier!"

"YOU ARE GOING TO HEAR ME OUT!" Nagisa shouted.

Gakushuu looked at Nagisa in surprise since that was the loudest he'd ever heard the boy.

"Look at him!" Yoshida said. "How the hell is he pinning him down like that in the first place?!"

"The element of surprise," Koro-sensei answered. "Nagisa sacrificed his greatest skill to create a red herring, opting to finish with a martial arts move all to make a simple point: Karma's own speciality has, in the end, been turned against him."

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