What in God's name was that?!

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Gakushuu sighed while his friends were already starting to panic. "Alright, everyone settle down!" He forced a smile. "I'm sure it's nothing!"

"But, what about all those articles and news reports about a yellow creature stealing girls underwear!" Kanada questioned.

"Yeah, and what about those weird yellow octopus sightings people have been reporting?" Tanaka questioned.

Gakushuu's smile twitched. "Those rumours were barely even verified." He chuckled, even though they didn't seem reassured. "I'll investigate—"

"No way!" Araki frowned. "You can't just go investigating alone!"

"There's nothing to worry about," he insisted, already moving towards the door.

"No." Seo grabbed his arm. "You're not going alone."

Gakushuu bit back a sigh. "You're all overreacting."

Ren frowned. "You're not going alone." He crossed his arms. "End of discussion."

For goodness sake!

Gakushuu grimaced, realising they wouldn't budge on this. "...Fine. Tag along if you want, but there's nothing to worry about."

The others didn't look convinced, his friends and half a dozen members of 3-A following him as he walked down the hallway.

Gakushuu mentally swore repeatedly, hoping that Koro-sensei had enough sense to leave the school before he was seen.

Why was the octopus even here to begin with? Was he really obsessed with attending a  stupid sleepover?!

He pulled out his phone to turn on the flashlight and dropped a quick text to Itona.

Asano: Koro-sensei gatecrashed the study sleepover.

Itona was typing...

Itona: Lol

Gakushuu scowled, texting furiously back.


Itona: Hold on...

Gakushuu frowned, walking down the hallway while his classmates looked around warily.

Suddenly the 3-E group chat sprang to life.


God damn it, Itona!

Terasaka: HAHA!

Maehara: Ha! Yo, Asano! Are you guys making fondue!?

Fuwa: Lol. Asano, send pics!

Gakushuu glared at the screen.

Asano: None of you are helpful.

Karma: You guys playing spin the bottle yet?

He shoved his phone in his pocket while the messages poured in.

"Who are you texting?" Ren asked, frowning.

Gakushuu sighed. "It doesn't matter." He stopped in front of the classroom they were using for the snack room. "Is this it?"

"Yes." Satsuki nodded, looking worried. "I can't hear anything though."

"I'll go and check," Gakushuu said firmly. "You all can wait outside."

"What? No, it could be dangerous," Koyama replied.

Gakushuu sighed, shooting them an annoyed look. "While I appreciate your concern, I am perfectly able to look after myself." He narrowed his eyes at Ren. "Stay here. That is an order."

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