This is more important

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Everyone drew silent when he spoke up, the mood shifting to something tenser.

"Well, yeah," Nagisa said, shifting on the spot. "I think we should save him. That's how I feel..."

"How you feel is irrelevant," Gakushuu said sternly, growing more irritated. "You can't make a statement like that without weighing the proper consequences." He looked at the others. "Have any of you even debated this?"

Nagisa's shoulders hunched. "Uh, well..."

"I hate to say it, but Asano's right," Nakamura agreed, standing alongside him. "I thought we were going to discuss this as a class after winter break?"

"How would we even save him?" Muramatsu asked, frowning.

"Yeah, is it even doable?" Terasaka frowned. "We get that you want to save him but where would we start?"

Nagisa faltered more. "Well, I don't have a plan but..." His brow furrowed. "After learning about his life and what he had to go through—"

"That's a whole other debate," Gakushuu replied, frowning. "If we're discussing whether he deserves to live or not, then we also have to take into account his cries and the people he's killed."

That made more of them start to look unsure.

Nakamura sighed. "Look, we're assassins, he's the target. That's our bond. Koro-sensei said so himself. I don't know about you, but I cherish that bond. Think about it - not killing him would defeat the purpose."

"He wants us to be the ones to kill him, that's what he's training us for,"Hazama argued, leaning against a tree. "So what if we run out of time because we're busy trying to create a whole new plan to save him?"

Terasaka looked annoyed. "Yeah, you want his last moments to be that he thinks his students are a bunch of dumbasses?!"

"Not quite eloquently put, but still true," Gakushuu replied curtly. "Koro-sensei has invested the last year of his life in us, and you want to just throw that away?"

"No!" Nagisa looked panicked. "Of course not!" He grimaced. "But we owe it to him..."

Gakushuu's eyes narrowed. "We owe it to him to make sure he didn't waste his time!"

"Always the talented ones, huh." The class turned to look at Karma as he spoke. "Figuring whatever the odds, in the end, things will always work out." He smirked, but he appeared to be provoking his classmate rather than showing amusement. "Wow, listen to you. Getting a tad full of yourself there, chief."

"Huh?" Nagisa said.

"Granted, you're the most gifted one in our class, but seriously." Karma began walking toward him, his facial expression was dangerously close to a glare. "We should just up and scrap the whole assassination plan? What about the underdogs? Those of us who work ourselves sick just to squeak by on what little talent we have? How are we supposed to feel? You're like a hot chick telling our homely friends there's no point trying to find a man! Course, you don't have a problem with changing the rules; you've already won the game."

A strange analogy but correct.

Nagisa looked insulted, but more saddened by it rather than angered. "That's... that's not what I'm trying to say." He looked down, speaking quietly. "Besides, I'm not the gifted one. Between you and me, you're the better assassin."

Gakushuu looked at him in disbelief, remembering when they'd broken into the lab and the blue-haired boy had tazered two guards before any of them could blink.

There was no doubt Nagisa was the most gifted one in class.

Karma's gaze narrowed, his normally calm expression cracking. "Okay, hearing you talk like that just pisses me off even more. You know what your problem is, Nagisa? You've got no respect for how hard this is for everyone that isn't you!"

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