🎄🎅Christmas Special!!🎅🎄

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(Hi everyone! I'm back and I would love to wish you guys a wonderful Christmas! Be safe and I hope you enjoy this chapter!!)


You were humming softly and beautifully to the song 'Silent Night' as you climbed up the latter to place a big golden star on the large and gorgeous Christmas tree that was covered in bright, shining lights, tinsel and small fancy ornaments thanks to the help of Niffty and Charlie.

After you placed the star on top of the tree, you began to climb back down but you suddenly lost your balance as you missed a step from the ladder and fell towards the ground. You squealed in shock as you closed your eyes tightly and waited for the hard impact, but it never came.....

You felt something fuzzy around your body as you looked up to the face of your savior who caught you....

It was Husk.

Husk: "You better be more careful next time, kid. Your lucky that i managed to catch you in time..."

He said sternly before placing you back on the ground softly. You sighed in relif amd gave him a small smile and placed a hand on his shoulder.

Y/N: "I'll keep that in mind, thank you so much Husk."

Husk: "No problem, kid."

A light pink dusted his cheeks before he used his red wings to fly his way back to the bar until Charlie came out of the kitchen dressed up as Krampus along with Niffty, holding a patch of chocolate chip cookies.

Charlie and Niffty: "Merry Christmas!!"

Alastor was sitting in a chair right next to the welcoming and warm fire in the fireplace while Vaggie and Angel placed everyone's gift under the Christmas tree for Secret Santa.

Alastor, Vaggie, and Angel: "Merry Christmas!!"

Everyone gathered around the tree as they sat in a big circle getting ready to exchange gifts.

You gave Charlie a cute small plushie.

Vaggie gave you a sketch book with colored pencils.

Alastor gave Husk some more cheap booze.

Niffty gave Angel some toys for Fat Nuggets.

Husk gave Vaggie a nice Christmas sweater.

Charlie gave Niffty some sewing materials

And Angel gave Alastor some of his own sex toys, which Alastor quickly threw them in the fire as he watched it burn with a large grin on his face.

After that everyone went outside as it began to snow. Angel started a snowball fight with Vaggie, Husk and Alastor while Niffty and Charlie were helping you build a snowman.

Y/N: "Honestly, I never thought that it would ever snow down here in Hell."

Charlie: "Ha! You'd be suprised!"

Charlie chuckled happily as she placed two small pieces of coal for the snowman's eyes while Niffty sat on your lap, munching on one of her homemade cookies.

Niffty: "Yeah! It even rains in Hell!!"

She blurted out loud before the two demon girls laughed together as you just shook your head. You suddenly felt something cold and wet hit the back of your head as you came to thr conclusion that it was snow.

You looked behind as Angel pointed towards Husk looking innocently while Husk glared at him. You suddenly had the idea for revenge before you grabbed a handful of snow from the ground and threw it at Angel, making both you and Husk cackling while Husk clutched his stomach.

After a while from being outside, the temperature dropped dramatically as it got more cold. Charlie already prepared hot chocolate for everyone while they can watch movies

. She quickly called you all inside before anyone could catch a cold. You stopped by the doorway as you looked back at the beautiful, breathtaking scene infront of you.

Angel and Alastor: "Coming??"

You jumped in suprise as you saw Angel on your left side while Alastor was on your right side. You nodded in agreement with a small blush on your face. Suddenly They both kissed your forehead which made the blush on your cheeks darken into a deep red

Y/N: "W-what was t-that f-for??"

You studdered in embarrassment as Angel smirked and pointed upwards. Above the three of you was a mistletoe that was conveniently hanging from the door. They then bring you into a small group hug, you tensed up a bit but due from the warmth of their bodies made you instantly relax and hug them back.

Y/N: "Thank you so much Angel and Alastor, I hope you guys had a Merry Christmas.."

Alastor and Angel: "We hope you had a Merry Christmas too, Y/N!"~~~~

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