Chapter 5

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After a few minutes of walking you saw a huge building with a bright light sign, that said "Welcome To The Happy Hotel!" You smiled, and walked inside with Angel. He walked into her office, and talked to her. Ge walked out, and another girl walked in after him.

Angel: "Charlie's office should be over there."

Y/N: "Thank you so much, Angel."

You hugged him. His fluff was so soft, softer than a cloud. He tensed up, and blushed. He wrapped his arms around you.

Angel: "Yeah yeah..your welcome."

You pulled away, and knocked on her door as Angel walked away to sit on one of the lobby's Couches. The door opened to reveal the same girl from the news report. Her eyes widened, then she smiled excitedly. She pulled you in her office. You saw another girl with long, beautiful white hair, woty a cute hot pink bow on her head. She had gray gloves, a nice white dress, with some cute pink, and gray boots. She looked at you, and she shot up from her seat.

Charlie: "Wow! A human in Hell?! This is honestly my first time seeing them! I'm glad I got more guests! Who are you? I'm Charlie, the princess of Hell, and the daughter of Lucifer, and Lilith! Cute dress by the way!"

Y/N gave her a confused look. So many questions were thrown at her. Suddenly, a spear was pointing at her neck. She squealed a little as sweat dripped down her forehead. Vaggie was clearly pissed. Her bow grew sharp that looked like devil horns.


Charlie reacted, and pulled her away.

Charlie: "Vaggie, please calm down! Angel brought her here.

Vaggie: "What?! *growls angrlily* That dumbass! Why?!"

Charlie: "I'm not sure. He told me that she just got here. I think she needs our help.

Vaggie sighed, and put her spear away. She walked towards you causing you to flinch slightly.

Y/N: "I promise not to hurt anybody...I don't even know what's happening..."

Vaggie: "I'm so sorry for before. I'm just protective of my friends. That's all.

Y/N: "Oh, that's okay. I'm Y/N L/N. It's nice to meet you!"

Vaggie shook  her hand, and smiled sweetly.

Vaggie: "Thanks. I'm Vaggie. Manager of the hotel.

Y/N: "Cool!"

Charlie cupped her cheeks, and made cute anime eyes.

Charlie: "Aww! Friendship!

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