Chapter 12

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(Hey you guys!!💜💚💛💙❤ I'm officially back! I'm so so sorry for fhis books delay, and I hope you guys forgive!!😓😓 I swear, I'll try to update more now for you awesome people!😊😊😍😍 I love you guy so much!

Also, Angel Dust and Cherri's song, Addict. Is. Fire!!

Anyway, on to the chapter.)


After a couple minutes of Me, And Niffty getting ready for the party with Angel, We managed to to get our outfits on and makeup done thanks to the spider in kinkyboots! His room wasn't so bad to be honest, Yeah it was a bit uncomfortable with the largest amount of porn, but I tried my best to ignore them. He had this adorable pet pig with him named Fat Nuggets, and he was SO CUTE!!!

Anyway, as the party was getting ready to start, Me, Niffty and Angel was already on the elevator, On our way downstairs. Niffty had on a frilly hot pink dress taht stopped at her knees.

She looked cute as always! As for Angel, He was wearing a a baby blue colored suit with his boob fluff obviously showing, but I didn't mind.

Thankfully, Angel kept his promise and managed to give me one of his beautiful dresses. It was a long blood red dress that reached down the ground. It showed off my curves perfectly with a slit on the right side to show of my legs. My hair neatly curled and down hanging past my shoulders.

 My hair neatly curled and down hanging past my shoulders

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(This is the dress your wearing❤😊)

I was a little nervous honestly, a party with all different kinds of demons, but suddenly I felt a warm hand touch my shoulder. I looked down and saw Angel looking down at me and smiled sweetly.

Angel: "Don't worry, Toots. We won't let anyone hurt you. Your safe with us okay?

Niffty: "Yeah! We'll always protect you! Just stay very close to us, and you'l be perfectly fine!!"

She added after him. I couldn't believe how these demons were willing to actually care so bad for someone they barely knew, let alone someone who wasn't even a demon like them. Small tears started to fill my orbs slowly before I wiped them away a little before it could mess up my makeup.

Y/N: "Thank you...Thank you so much.."

Angel: " No need to thank us! It's just our job!"

He said sincerely while Niffty nodded after him before she threw her arms around your waist since she was shorter than everyone at the hotel. I grinned down at her before I petted her soft pink and orange hair.


The elevator finally came to our stop, And my heart began to beat against my ribcage really fast, but I tried to ignore the feeling in my chest. The three of us wrapped our arms around each other's arm in an armlock with me on the middle of Niffty and Angel. When we walked out, the hotel looked completely different when I last saw it! It looked absolutely amazing!! This must have been Alastor's doing with his dark magic and all.

It looked a like a famous ballroom you would find in those large gorgeous mansions. It looked so fancy with some colorful balloons, streamers everywhere. There was a large buffet with all different kinds of food and drinks. It was right next to Husk's bar, Where the rest of the Hazbins were just chilling on the bar stools, probably waiting for us.

I was about to call them over to let them know we're here, But Angel already beat me to it.

Angel: "Surprise, Motherfuckers!!!"

After his loud remark, which made my ears hurt a little, Charlie whipped her head towards us and her smile grew much more. She ran over to us and pulled me into a tight hug. I was a little startled a first, But I find myself wrapping my arms around her anyways.

We parted from the hug as she softly grabbed my shoulders before Vaggie, Husk and Alastor walked over to us.

Charlie: "Oh my Satan Y/N, You look so pretty!"

Vaggie: "Wow Y/N! Angel didn't to bad at all, You guys look great."

Charlie had on a black and red dress that stopped at her knees with her hair in a bun. Vaggie had her hair in a ponytail with her iconic pig bow wrapped around her hair. She had a dark blue off the shoulder dress that touched the floor.

Suddenly, Alastor grabbed your hand and twirled you around towards his chest and smiled down at you with a tiny blush dusting his grey cheeks you seemed to notice. He had on a new red suit with two tails at the bottom of his coat with black and red pants. And to finish the loo9, He had on a top hat on his head.

Alastor: "Darling, you look absolutely ravishing tonight!"

Husk pulled Alastor away from you as he also blushed as he looked towards the other direction, glancing at anywhere else except your dress. He had on a white button up shirt with black pants

Husk: "...You look nice..."

Y/N: "Thanks you guys! You all are so nice!"

It was a little silent until Vaggie decided to speak up.

Vaggie: "Now that everyone is here, the guests should be here right about-"


The loud and repeated knocks on the door caused us to jump. Charlie started to jump up and down in excitement, That must mean they're here!!

Charlie: "Oh my gosh! You guys, they're here!"

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