Chapter 8

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You walked with Charlie to the lobby. Charlie had a sad expression on her doll like face, and that made you a little worried. Charlie made her way to the door, and slid down to her knees. Vaggie was on the couch, rubbing her forehead, while Angel pulled out a box of popsicles. He turned towards you.

Angel: "Want one?"

She shook her head "no." He shrugged his shoulders, and sucked on his popsicle loudly, making Vaggie groan in annoyance. You rolled your eyes, and sat down next to Charlie. You put a hand on her shoulder. She looked at you, and smiled. But it fell quickly as she rubbed her temple.

Charlie: "Y/N...I-I don't know what i'm doing..."

You didn't know what to say, so you hugged her side softly. She gladly returned it back. You both got interrupted by rhythmic knocking on the door. Charlie panicked, and grabbed your shoulders.

Charlie: "Y/N! I need you to go hide! Quickly!"

You nodded nervously, but you calmly went behind the corner. Tiny bits of sweat on your forehead....

Charlie, and Vaggie looked at Alastor with fear mixed with shock.

Charlie: "Umm, sure um...Come with me."

She walked over to the other side of the lobby, with Alastor not far behind her. You were so confused. Who was he? Why were they scared of him so much? Angel, and Vaggie laft to talk to them in private. You guys sat on a couch.

Angel: "You ok, doll?"

Y/N: "Yeah."

You continued to stare at the red attired demon. Strange enough, you thought he was kinda...handsome. You blushed a bright pink, and shook the thoughts out of your head. You didn't even knew this guy, Or how old he was. Besides, you were supposed to be with C/N. You wondered how he what he was doing? You turned your eyes towards Vaggie. She gave him a death glare while crossing her arms around her chest.

After her story about Alastor, it lefted you horrified. Your whole entire body was shaking so violently. Angel suddenly noticed your state, and softly glared at Vaggie who looked back at him.

Angel: "Vaggie, Look what you did to her! You nearly scared the poor girl to death!"

Vaggie gave you a slight frown before wrapping her arm around your shoulders in hopes to relax you.

Vaggie: "O-Oh... I'm so sorry about that, But you have to listen to me. If he tries anything on you or tries to hurt you, you come tell me, Charlie, or Angel okay? The grinning mother fucker can't be trusted..."

She growled under her breath as she looked at Alastor smiling down at Charlie who looked back at him curiously.

Y/N: "Ok. I promise."

She smiled at you warmly, And then hugged you so softly in her comforting embrace.

Vaggie:  "Good. We don't want anything to happen to you."

Y/N: "Thank you guys. I think I just needs some rest."

You told them your goodbyes, and left.

Without realizing that a certain demon was watching you leave the lobby as he smirked...

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