Chapter 13

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(Y/N's POV)

As soon as Charlie opened those doors, all different kinds of demons rushed in like a flood of water. They were all dressed in beautiful dresses and tuxedos, looking so fancy. I was so nervous, what would they think about seeing a REAL human being down here in Hell? Would they hate me? Would they try to kill me?

My thoughts were suddenly interrupted when I felt a clawed hand softly squeezed my shoulder. I turned my head where my eyes met Alastor's.

Alastor: "Darling? Are you alright? You zoned out a bit..."

He asked me gently while tilting his head to the side in a cute way, making me blush.

(Y/N): "Y-Yes. Please don't worry about me. I'm ok."

He squinted his eyes at me for a bit before nodding his head at me. He told me that I had to stand with him beside the opening doors in order to greet the guests with him, and that if anyone tries anything, he would deal with that demon in an instant.

'Thank goodness' I thought to myself while sighing to myself in relief. We greeted a few demons while shaking hands with them. Then i suddenly saw a huge black, and yellow snake demon with red eyes with a top eye with a red eye and teeth on it. He wore a yellow striped tuxedo with a nice bowtie to top it off. We suddenly locked eyes with eachother, and he smirked at me.

He grabbed my hand and kissed the back of it while being careful of his sharps claws. I cringed a bit before catchining Alastor's gaze down at me. His eyes glowed a bright red slighty while giveing the snake demon a small snarl.

Sir Pentious: "Hello, My dear! It is-ss a pleas-ssure to finally meet you!"

I chuckled timidly while scratching my right cheek a bit.

(Y/N): "T-Thank you, I'm f-flattered. Please e-enjoy the party!"

He noddded at me while giving me a closed eye smile.

'There's something about him that screams untrustworthy. I should probably stay away from him...'

Before he slithered pass me, He and Alastor made eye contact.

Sir Pentious: "Will do, My dear.."

The radio demon glared at him before he disappeared in the sea of the crowd. After we welcomed everyone in the hotel, Alastor grabbed my hand and softly dragged me over to a small corner with Vaggie and Angel.

Angel was already drinking, with a bottle of liquor in his hand as Vaggie slapped her forehead.

Alastor: "Is Angel drinking already?"

She jumped slightly, and she stirked a defensive pose before looking at him with a sigh.

Vaggie: "Yes. Charlie made me watch over him for tonight. Anyway, did she tell you that Sir Pentious is here?"

Alastor: "No! I had no clue he was invited!"

Vaggie rolled her eyes, rubbing her aching head before Angel wrapped his arm around her shoulders

Angel: "Oh shit! Egg lord is here?! Wait till Cherri hears about this! *hic*"

Vaggie: " *sigh* This dumbass....I can't believe you're already drunk! Let's take you to Niffty, Hopefully she can deal with you."

Vaggie supringly was nice enough to escort Angel to Niffty in order to help him. I shook my head and smiled before Alastor turned to me with a serious expression. He kneeled down to my height before taking a hold of arms.

Alastor: "Sweetheart, please listen to me. I need you to stay away from Pentious! We don't want anything to happen to you. Make sure you avoid him at all times, Say close to me at all times, ok??"

'I knew it! I knew that I wasn't the only one.' I thought to myself again before I looked deep into his eyes. His face showed genuine concered and he seemed very worried for my well being. I never thought that he actually cared about me, but thankfully I seemed that I was wrong.

I nodded my head at him in agreement.

(Y/N): "Ok. I'll try!"

He gave a small smile in return before he kissed my forehead gently.

Alastor: "Thank you for understanding, Darling..."

His voice was so soft and gentle, which caused my heart to beat fast all of a sudden. Then we heard a small clinking sound which caught all of the demons in the hotel's attention.

It turned out to be Charlie with a wine glass in her hand with a small spoon in the other as she was standing on top of a table.

Charlie: "Hello everyone! I have a quick announcement to make before we continue the party! I just want to thank everyone for coming. I especially want to thank my employees for helping me with the decorations, making the hotel look so beautiful!"

The whole group smiled at Charlie as the spotlight shined on them a bit, And as soon as she looked towards me, I looked at her nervouslyy while Charlie grinned in excitement.  'What is she doing?!?'

Charlie: "And lastly, I want you all to welcome the first ever human in Hell, (Y/N)!!!"

She extended her hand towards my direction as the spotlight suddenly shined on me. I froze in place before I waved shyly before the crowd of demons began to clap of me. I managed to see Sir Pentious at the close corner of my eye. He smiled and winked at my direction as I gulped nervously....

Oh boy....Am I in for a night...

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