Chapter 10

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You stood there frozen as you looked into his blood red eyes. He had an a red stripped coat with a bright red dress shirt underneath. He was wearing red dress pants, with burgundy shoes. He was also holding a red old timey microphone with a eye in the center. He had a red moncole over his right eye. He had huge red, and black ears with tuffs of hair on either sides of his pale gray face, but what scared you the most was his terrifying smile. It never left his face...

Alastor: "Hello my dear! It's a pleasure to finally meet you~"

He took your hand in a firm grip, and kissed your hand.  His eyes pierced into yours. You could feel him smirking under your skin.

Y/N: "I-it's nice to meet you too."

Charlie: "And she's new here just like you, so please make her feel welcomed. Same goes for you, Y/N.'

Y/N nodded, trying to avoid Alastor's gaze.

Y/N: "Okay."

Suddenly, a boom was heard outside the hotel. You three looked outside Charlie's office window to find Cherri, and Sir Pentious having a turf war again....with Angel?! Just then, Vaggie bursts into the office.

Vaggie: "Angel, and Cherri are having a turf war too close to the hotel!"

Charlie: "Oh no....Y/N, can you please stay here with Alastor? I don't want anyone to see you."

Y/N nodded, and smiled sadly. She left her office, leaving you two alone together. It was a moment of silence.

Alastor: "You know, i've never seen a mortal like since 1933!

Y/N: "Was that the year you died? I guess."

He shook his head 'yes', and his smile grew even bigger than it was before, you thought his head would spilt in half.

Alastor: " I see you are a very clever girl~"

Y/N: "T-Thank you.."

He seemed nice, but you still seemed uneasy about him. You remembered what Vaggie told you. He was the radio demon, so you had to be careful. You got a text from Charlie to meet you in the limo outside the hotel.

Y/N: "I have to meet Charlie in the hotel. Wanna come?"

Alastor: "Oh no, dear. You go on ahead, I was going to meet all of the other staff members."

Y/N: "Ok."

He left for the door, but before his hand would touch the door knob, he turned his head towards you, and smirked.

Alastor: "I look forward to seeing you again, Y/N~"

His voice glitched slightly as he let you through the door. You sweated nervously, and smiled back. You walked outside, and saw a limousine. Kinda like the one you saw Angel in when you first met him. The door was already opened, and you went inside. You closed the door, and saw Charlie with Angel, and Vaggie

Y/N: "How can you be thinking about Liquor at a time like this?"

Angel just shrugged his shoulders, and started to look all over the limo. Vaggie rolled her eyes.

Vaggie: "I swear, I almost want to kill his ass.."

She whispered, glaring daggers at him.

Charlie: "You can leave now if you to Y/N. We'll figure something out."

You hugged her softly, and left for your room.


After a long, hot shower, you slipped on some more comfortable clothes. A long sleeved, dark red crop top with black jeans. You wanted to relax. You sat on the bed, crissed crossed, and closed your eyes. You took a deep breath in and out. Suddenly you felt all the pressure lifted up your chest. You opened your eyes, and saw that your bed, nightstand, everything was floating with a F/C aura around each object floating. You were about to scream, but you heard footsteps. Then, Everything fell with a loud 'thud'. The door opened to reveal Angel with a concerned face. You must gave forgotten to lock the door.

Angel: "Hey dollface, are you ok? I heard something fell in here..."

Y/N: "Y-Yeah. I just f-fell of t-the bed."

She laughed nervously. His eyebrow raised.

Angel: "Oh, ok. Be careful next time. Do ya need an icepack or somethin'?"

Y/N: "Uh, N-No thanks!"

Angel nodded.

Angel: "Ok. Good night."

Y/N: "Good night!"

He closed the door, and left. You hesitantly lifted your hand, and the door locked with F/C aura. You were so weirded out right now. You had telekinesis?! You needed go tell everyone about this, but it was very late, so you decided to tell the tomorrow morning. You smiled, and lifted your hand towards the lamp, and it shut off. You laughed happily, and celebrateted quietly. You didn't want to wake them up. You layed down, and fell asleep. This was so amazing!!! But, without knowing that some certain demon's were stalking you the whole time~

~??? Pov~

As she fell asleep, we started jumping around, happily. Not only was there a human in Hell, but she has some sort of superpowers!!!

"Wait till the boss hears about this!!!"

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