Chapter 4

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You ran as fast as you could. You turned around a corner of an alley. Luckily,  they went running past you. You sighed quietly, and walked off to find some help, or the girl you saw on the televisions. You held onto your arms. You looked at the ground sadly. You were on the edge of crying. All you wanted was to go back home, and go to prom with (Crush's Name). You passed by a black, and Yellow mansion. You looked through the yellow windows, and saw Egg with numbers on their back with a snake demon working on some machines.

Before anything got ugly, You ran away from them before you got hurt. You thought you were a safe distance away from the turf war, You started to slow down. You came to a stop when you saw a limousine with blood all over the wheels. You hid around a corner, trying not to get caught.

Your eyes widened when the rock fell on him. You tried to run away, but four gloved hands wrapped around your waist, and pulled you into a dark alley.

Angel: "Who the hell are you?! What are doing in here?"

Y/N: "I don't know. I was just got here...i'm so confused..."

Your hair covered the side of your head. Angel rubbed his eyes, and sighed, and brushed some hair out off your face.

Angel: "So, your new here, huh? Look, How about I take you to the Happy Hotel? Charlie might want to help you."

Wait? Who's Charlie? Either way, they sound pretty nice. She smiled sweetly at the spider demon.

Y/N: "Yes please."

Angel: "Come on then!"

Angel grinned, and softly grabbed your hand. You two walked together. It was silent until Angel broke it.

Angel: "So, What's your name, Toots?~"

Y/N: "Oh! It's Y/N. Y/N L/N."

Angel smirked.

Angel:"That's a really cute name.~"

A bright pink dusted on your soft cheeks.

Y/N: "T-Thank you.."

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