The wrong name

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"And now ladies and gentlemen, let's welcome to the stage Miss Rachel Berry!" The host exclaims as the audience cheer and I enter, I'm on the "Jimmy Fallon show" promoting my album that will be out In a couple of months, I'm also going to be singing one of the songs as a never-before-heard exclusive.

He greets me with a hug before I sit down on the couch. "It's great to see you again, it's been what? A year?"

"God that long?" I ask in disbelief. "But yeah it's great to see you too" I smile.

"You look great" he tells me politely as I thank him and return the phrase. I'm wearing a pair of form fitting leather pants along with a long sleeve neon pink designer shirt.

"So" he begins. "The album?"

"Yes!" I smile.

"You write your own songs right? What inspires them? Because I can imagine that song writing is far from easy" he asked interestedly.

"You know, when you find something that you're passionate about song writing becomes easy" I answer honestly. "Because there are just so many things that you can say about something you love"


"Ah, so what inspires you?"

"Well I couldn't tell you that, I can't give away all my secrets" I tease.

"Fair enough" he laughs. "Anyway, before you sing us a song. I have a surprise for you"

"Oh god" I mumble as the audience chuckle.

"So I heard that you like animals?" He asks and I nod slowly. "Well, I bought some fury friends to come and see you today"

A curtain opens and a zookeeper enters with a baby bear on a lead and I gasp causing the audience to laugh again. "Can I hold him?" I ask sweetly, it looks so damn cute.

The guy chuckles and places him on my lap as Jimmy and the audience laugh as I quietly talk to the bear. "He is so adorable!" I practically scream. "What's his name?"

"He actually doesn't have one, he's new to the zoo and we haven't got one yet" the guy tells me and I squeal.

"How about you name him?" Jimmy suggests.

"Snugglebug" I state proudly as the audience burst into laughter.

"He's going to get bullied at bear school" Jimmy reasons.

"But then they'll see how snuggly he is" I reason as I hug the bear, "seriously Jimmy I'd let you test it but I'm not letting him go"

"Woah, woah, woah" Jimmy splutters and I notice that Snugglebug has crawled up on my lap and one of his paws has grabbed my breast.

"Oh god" I squeal and cover my mouth to hide the laughter. I softly move his paw and continue to stroke him. "Very forward"

"God, only you could come on my show and be fondled by a bear cub" Jimmy smiles as he shakes his head.

We play with a few more animals before they take them away and I say a sad goodbye with Snugglebug, we then get back to talking about the album.

"So, when is it out?" He asks. "Your boyfriend must be just as excited"

"Couple of months, we haven't got a set date yet but yeah, Finn and I are really excited." I cover my mouth and widen my eyes when I realise what I just said. "I um- Brody. Brody and I are really excited"

Jimmy smiled awkwardly but laughs it off and manages to make it less awkward. "So the song?"

"Yes. The song" I jump up and head to the mini stage set up in the studio, trying hard to erase the memory of what I just said and trying not to think about what Brody will do when he sees.

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