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"Hey you're awake" is the first thing I hear as I slowly take in my surroundings which seems to be a hospital room.

I turn to my left to see Finn smiling at me reassuringly as he holds my left hand in both of his and plants a kiss on it.

"Why am I- I don't know-" I try to speak with my confusion, he chuckles a little and uses his other hand to stroke my face.

"You fainted" his face showed a guilty expression. "The baby's fine, they said you'll be okay to go soon and you just need rest"

I nod to what he says as I slowly sit up and take the offered bottle of water from Finn which immediately helps my dry throat.

"I'm so sorry" he says guiltily, stroking my face tenderly. "The doctors said that your blood pressure got too high because of stress, I-I don't know what I'd have done if something happened to you or the baby because of me"

"Finn" I begin hoarsely, "I need to know, why would you did that? I mean Chris was there, you're a father Finn you're supposed to be setting an example-" I ramble tearily once I've sat up in the bed and began to feel a little better.

"Please, please calm down" he begged, standing up and sitting beside me on the bed as he stroked my hair and leant into me a little. "I don't know what came over me and I know that doing it in front of Chris is so stupid but it's like I couldn't help it. And to be honest, I'd do it again"

I sit in silence as his words linger through the air, I love him and I love how much he loves me but I can still hear Chris cheering him on and see Brody's bloody face as Finn hits him angrily.

"Hey little sis? You hungry" Noah asks with a relieved smile as he walks in with a bag of takeout with Chris following behind.

"Always" I retort as Chris jumps on the bed and takes me into a tight hug. "Hey, hey, hey what's the matter?"

"You wouldn't wake up" he blubbers as he continues to hold me tightly.

"Chrissy..." I say softly, stroking his hair, "mommy's fine, I was just really tired"

"But why did you try to sleep on the kitchen floor?" He asks confusedly as I hear my brother snigger.

"The baby makes me really tired" I say and he finally giggles before resting on my lap and sharing the food Noah got for me.

Finn and I sort of left our conversation unfinished and by the disappointed look on his face, I know he realises that too. The truth is I don't know what to say to him right now, I'm both pissed and slightly touched at what he did.

"Mommy, when are you going to get fat?" Chris asks thoughtfully as I plant a kiss on top of his head and roll my eyes playfully.

"Not long" I answer, "soon I'll be huge"

He laughs again as I glare at him jokingly, "don't worry momma, I'll still love you when you're fat"

"Oh how nice of you" I answer sarcastically though he doesn't seem to realise.

After we've finished eating, a doctor walks into the room and explains that I'm free to go, also giving me a warning to take it easy for a few days to ensure that my blood pressure gets back to normal.

"Okay, let's go" I smile but don't miss the looks exchanged between Puck and Finn. "...what?" I ask cautiously.

"The paps know that you're back in Lima and there's currently quite a lot of them waiting out front" Noah explains quietly as I hide my head in my hands and sigh.

"Isn't there a back way that we can leave?" I ask.

"I'll go ask" he smiles reassuringly.

"When are we going home? I miss Sam and soccer" Chris asks thoughtfully as Finn looks to me for an answer seeing as we haven't really talked about that yet.

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