Suspicions and practice

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"Have you noticed any differences in your friend's behaviour?" The doctor asked me, he had pulled me outside for a 'chat' whilst the doctors bandaged Rachel's hand.

"I don't think so" I answer honestly, "why?" I ask curiously and he sighed before answering.

"The burns on Miss Berry's hand don't entirely match the story she gave us. Yes i believe that the burn came from a curling iron but the seriousness of her injuries suggest that she would have had to be holding the object for a number of minutes" he explains as i rub my face in confusion, why would Rachel lie to the doctors?

"so you think she lied?" i ask cautiously.

"I think that she may be shielding or withholding some of the truth" he admits. "From past experiences with women who have had similar injuries, this could be something as serious domestic violence or even self harm" he says quietly and i take a deep breath, surely if Rachel was going through anything like the doctor was implying we'd know or she would reach out to us.

"So what now?" i ask.

"Well we can examine her body for any other injuries and send down one of the hospital's mental health specialists. But we can't do any of that without the patient's permission which is why we want you to try and talk to her, let her know that shes in a safe environment and that you are there for her. Of course we could be wrong and this could just be a complete misunderstanding but it's always good to be sure before possible situations grow worse" he explains and I nod, I don't think that what he is saying is possible but it will be a little reassuring to hear the truth after he has planted the idea in my head.

I re enter the room where Rachel is now wearing a cast on her arm that stops at her wrist and judging by the look on her face, she is still in a lot of pain. I sit beside her and smile reassuringly before i open my mouth. "Rach?" i ask softly and she looks at me with a nod, she looks exhausted. "The um- the doctors said something and i'm only going to ask you once okay? and just remember that I'm here for you and you're safe okay?" I ask and this time she nods cautiously.

"The doctors said that to have burns as serious as yours, you would have had to held the curling iron for a while and not just a couple of seconds like you said" I explain and she gulps. "So i guess what I'm asking is, did someone do this to you? Did you hurt yourself intentionally?"

I laugh nervously before answering, I asked Blaine to take me because i figured he'd be the one who would ask less questions and believe what I'm saying. "Blaine, are you hearing yourself right now?" I ask with a small smile and he furrows his brows in thought and I know that I'm already convincing him. "I was trying to rush because I was meeting Brody at the bar so I turned the curling iron up at the highest level and I didn't realise that I'd picked it up at the wrong end. I promise thats all it is, I think you're all thinking too much into it" I say reassuringly.

"Wait so why didn't you call Brody?" he asks in confusion and I quickly try to come up with another excuse. I really don't need this, its 3 in the morning and we've been here for hours not to mention I have to pick up Finn and Chris for his soccer practice tomorrow.

"I called him before I called you but he had some family emergency, he was going to come but I insisted" I say smoothly and he nods, he believes me.

He sighs in relief and chuckles a little, "I had trouble believing them myself" he admits as he kisses my head gently. "They were talking about examining your body but seeing as you're okay we should be able to go home. I know you must be exhausted" he smiles. I feel guilty for dragging him here with me because I bet he's just as tired.

"Thank you for coming Blaine. I'm sorry we were here so long" i say apologetically as I swing my legs over the bed and sit up.

"Don't be sorry, I'm glad you called. You've been distant lately and I miss you" he smiled. "You can call me anytime" he insists.

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