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It's been two weeks since everyone found out about the engagement, including me. I feel like I'm in a crowded room screaming for help but nobody notices, I'm so scared. If I marry this guy then he's surely going to kill me and I'm terrified of putting Chris in danger. But if I don't marry him then we could still be in danger. I can't win.

I've also avoided Finn at all costs, when Chris has soccer I drag Noah along and I refuse to even look in his direction. I can't allow myself to be close to him anymore, every time I'm in his presence I find myself falling more in love and I can't let that happen anymore.

Kurt has forced me, Santana and himself to go wedding dress shopping. The problem is, I'm very limited to what I can wear which I why I'm only picking up long sleeved dresses.

However me, Kurt and Santana have been planning our weddings since we were six years old. We'd put pillowcases on the back of our heads and we'd break into Santana's mom's closet and wear her shoes.

This means that they know what my dream dress looks like, and it's the complete opposite of what I have to wear.

"Let me see it again!" Kurt exclaims excitedly and I place my hand in his as he eyes the diamond ring. Brody went completely overboard, the diamond goes right up to the middle of my finger and to be honest it's so uncomfortable. He even made me pay for it, if I could have chosen I'd want something simple and elegant. But let's be real, I'm having no choices in this wedding and not even in the groom.

"Hey Rach, want me to come in there with you and help you zip it up?" Santana asks.

"Um, no. I'm okay thanks San" I call from the dressing room as I struggle with the zipper.

I enter the room in the dress and Kurt raises a hand to his chest as Santana looks totally unimpressed. I don't know what's up with her lately but she's been acting really weird.

"I don't like it" she says bluntly and stands up. "Whatever happened to your dream dress huh? The one that was strapless, with a sweetheart neckline to show a classy amount of boob, that puffed out but not too much. Complete with diamonds and lace patterns" she rehearsed.

"That was my Finn dress" I tell her honestly. "It wouldn't feel right wearing it with Brody" it's true of course. But one of the other reasons of course is that I can't show that much skin without everyone finding out my secret.

"Rachel" Santana begins softly as Kurt watches on in interest. "Don't you think that this is some kind of sign? That you're dropping your dream dress because you can't marry your dream guy. You are settling, when you could be marrying Finn who loves you more than anything instead of some douche who treats you like shit"

"Finn cheated on me!" I exclaim, "why do you all find that so easy to forget?"

"Because he didn't cheat on you!" She yelled in frustration and I stopped. Is she really making excuses for him? Siding with him?

She holds a hand up to her mouth as her and Kurt share a look. "Excuse me?" I ask quietly.

"He didn't cheat on you" she repeated, her voice softening.

"He told me he did, why are you making excuses for him?"

"It's true" Kurt pipes up, coming to stand beside us.

"What the hell are you guys talking about?" I ask cautiously, my eyes filling with tears as I take deep breaths and sit down.

Kurt sits beside me and takes my hand. "A while ago, whilst you were touring Brody went to the house. He told Finn about the movie you turned down as well as other things and he told him that he was ruining your life and that he needs to end it before it ruins your career"

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