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Tomorrow, the six of us leave Ohio and return home. Chris has school soon, Finn has football practise and the other guys have work. I however, have been avoiding work; more specifically my publicist who has been calling me like three times a day, I just really don't want to talk about what happened because it honestly seems like I've done it enough.

Finn and Noah just left to take Chris to the park where they're going to play football with him, Carole and Burt went to dinner and Kurt and Blaine are on a date meaning this is the first time I've been completely alone since we arrived here.

Now don't get me wrong, I've missed being around everyone and I'm glad that we're all close again but it's nice to have the peace and quiet. Ever since I fainted everyone has been babying me, I know they're concerned and after everything I'm not surprised but that doesn't mean that a girl doesn't need a break.

However I do have a plan. In order to avoid all the paparazzi scattered around Ohio after they found out I was here, I've pretty much been on house arrest. But, I heard Noah telling Finn that Santana went to her Abuela's for family dinner and I plan to make amends with my best friend.

So after I throw on a black hoodie and jeans, I sneak out of the house and head over to the place I spent a lot of time at in high school.

Maribel Lopez opens up, a surprised smile lights up her face as she takes me into a hug. I was really close with Santana's family in high school, after all I did live with them for 2 months after Finn and I broke up whilst I was pregnant.

"Rachel, it's been too long! I missed you superstar" she tells me after I've stepped in.

"I've missed you too" I tell her truthfully, "I'm sorry I haven't visited for a while, things have just been pretty crazy lately"

She simply waves a hand at me and tells me not to worry about it, before calling out to Abuela, "come look who's here!"

She enters the room with a tea towel slung over her shoulder which nearly falls when she takes me into a big hug.

"I missed you mi amor"

"I missed you too Abuela" I smile, me her and Santana would watch telenovelas together once a week.

"Well now that you're here I hope you plan on staying for dinner, we're having tacos" Maribel tells me, "Santana's in her old room, you can just go on up honey"

I thank them graciously, greet Santana's father before I head upstairs to San's old room. However, I stop halfway when I hear the sound of someone throwing up.

"San?" I call out cautiously, everyone else is downstairs but it could be her little brother Jake.

When there's no answer I open the door slightly where I see Santana with her head in the toilet whilst struggling to hold her hair back. I immediately jump to help her, I quickly pile her hair on top of her head using a hair tie from my wrist before I rub her back.

After a few minutes she seems to feel a little better as she slumps against the wall, she then seems to realise that I'm the one who helped her as she glares at me a little, ouch.

"Are you okay?" I ask finally breaking the awkward silence.

"Why are you here?" she asks bluntly whilst completely ignoring my question. "I thought Hudson was keeping you hostage"

"I came to see you. I-I really miss you San, I hate not talking to you" she doesn't reply so I take it as an opportunity to carry on talking.

"I'm so sorry that I ignored you when you were trying to help, I don't want you to think that I don't trust you because I'd trust you with my life. You just have to understand that I was so scared, I didn't know what to do. But because he was threatening Chris I just went along with it because if anything would have happened to him I-" she cuts me off by wiping my tears and pulling me into a hug.

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