Chapter 1

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Hinata's P.O.V

"Damn it, you missed again, idiot!"

"I-I'm sorry! I'll hit it next time!" I stuttered out.

Kageyama growled under his breath, "That's what you said the last eighty six times."

"I'm really trying, you know!" I puffed up.

"Well, you were able to hit it before, what's so different now?!"

I looked away, pouting a little. "I dunno..."

Daichi sighed. "How about everyone take five? It's been a little tense, some fresh air should help."

I sighed with relief and grabbed my water, going outside. I mentally face palmed for doing so bad in practice. Damn it, Shoyo, what is your problem?! You were doing so well before, what's different now?! Every time I'm around Kageyama it feels like I have butterflies in my stomach and my body freezes.... what is going on?!

"Hey, you doin' alright?"

I looked at Tanaka. "Y-yeah, yeah I'm good."

"Don't try to bullshit me! Something's on your mind, I can tell. Is there a girl you're interested in?" He nudged my side.

"H-huh?! No, it's nothing like that! Well, I guess I'm a little distracted, but I can't understand why... ugh, this is so frustrating!" I messed with my hair.

"Did Kageyama and you get into a fight again?" I shook my head at him. "Does it have something to do with the loser?" I nodded. "Well, what is it?! I can't help you if you don't tell me!"

"Not to be mean, but if I were to tell something to someone, it would most likely not be to you."

"What, you think I can't keep shit secret?!"

"Eeeeehhh..." I looked up.

"Why, you little-"

"Put him down, Tanaka."

"H-huh? Fine..."

"Thanks, Koshi..." I chuckled nervously.

"Do you need to talk?" He frowned slightly. "I won't push like Tanaka did, but you seem a bit more distracted than usual."

"S-sure!" I smiled a little.

"Alright, you're tense. Let's go." He brought me to the changing room and we both sat down. "So, what is it about Tobio?"

"I-I-I-" I took a deep breath. "E-every time I'm around him, my heart starts racing and it feels like I have butterflies in my stomach! It feels like I can't move and my face feels kinda hot... argh, this is so strange!" I looked up at him to see him with a shocked expression. "What?"

"Uh..." He kinda chuckled and looked away. "It kinda sounds like you have a crush on Tobio."

"W-what?!" I fell out of my chair, my face red. "Nope! I think you've got it all wrong!"

"Well, that's the only way I can recognize." He sighed as I sat back in my chair. "The more you deny it, the worse it's going to get. It's better to get your feelings out now before they distract you from everything."

He got up and patted me on the shoulder before leaving. I gripped onto my shorts, furrowing my eyebrows. Me? Liking Kageyama? No, this can't be right... so why is my heart beating so fast? I gripped onto my shirt now. Kageyama has always looked kinda hot...

"Hey, Hinata."

I jumped and looked at Tobio, gulping. "Y-yeah?"

"Can we talk after school at your place? I heard your parents went on work leave and your sister is staying with your aunt."

Setter of Attention (Hinata X Kageyama)Where stories live. Discover now