Chapter 2

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Hinata's P.O.V

When we got back to my house the sun was going down. Kageyama ended up holding my hand, even though he looked a bit lost in thought. I giggled a little, earning his attention.

"Why do you look so lost in your own head?" I asked.

"No reason." He gripped my hand.

I puffed up my cheeks. "Well, if you're in a relationship with me I only ask for your attention."

He smiled a little at me. "I'll spoil you with it."

I giggled again, making him smile. He softly kissed my cheek, making me blush. He chuckled and we went into my house, heading straight to my room. He sat on the edge of the bed while I laid my head in his lap. He sighed softly.

"Look, I'm new to all this relationship stuff, so I don't know exactly what you want me to do..."

"Same here!" I smiled up at him. "Look, you're not the only one new to this love thing. Well, I have a love for volleyball, but that doesn't count in this court, does it?"

He kinda chuckled. "That was a cheesy joke."

I giggled a little and he leaned down, kissing across my face. Suddenly his lips settled on mine, making my eyes widen before I looped my arms around his neck. It was soft, a lot softer than I thought his kisses would be. When he pulled away I actually whined a little.

"Kisses..." I pouted.

He smiled a little before softly kissing my lips over and over, making me giggle. I smiled and pulled him down, forcing him into a longer kiss. When he pulled back I smiled at his shocked expression.

"Uh..." He shook his head. "I don't think we should be kissing like this on our first day together."

"But it feels right." Suddenly his face went red, making me furrow my eyebrows. "What?"

"Nothing, it's nothing." He sighed.

"It's definitely something, what is it?" I frowned.

"Don't worry about it."

"But I am worrying about it!"

He ran his fingers through my hair. "I said don't fucking worry about it."

I frowned a little. "Fine."

He started softly running his fingers across my neck, my head strangely going blank as I sighed. I closed my eyes and smiled a little, feeling his fingers travel up to my jawline. I honestly couldn't think at all, his fingers felt rough but soft at the same time. I arched my back a little as he bent down and started kissing my neck, making a strange noise leave my throat. We quickly looked at each other.

"Did you just moan?" He looked surprised.

"Uhm... maybe?" I started blushing.

He kinda chuckled and started kissing my neck again, making be whine a little. Suddenly there was a knock at the front door, making him growl.

"I'll be right back."

He kissed my forehead and got up, leaving me. Seconds later Noya burst into my room, hugging me tightly.

"Hey, there, lovesick boy!" He ruffled my hair.

"W-what?" I looked at him.

"You and Kageyama are all alone in your house, so I was wondering if you two had... you know... done it?" He winked.

I blushed vividly. "No, Nishinoya! N-no, why would you think that?!"

"Well, you two are alone in a house together, what else do I need to say?"

Setter of Attention (Hinata X Kageyama)Where stories live. Discover now