Chapter 9

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Y'all need to stop with these comments I will go from my gremlin laugh to tea kettle 😂😂😭😭
But no really keep it up it makes my day 🥺
Also sorry for the wait, I had WrItEr'S bLoCk. Your support helps me. 😊
I feel annoying (~‾▿‾)~

Kageyama's P.O.V

I woke up to Hinata coughing in his sleep. Worried, I put my hand on his forehead. His temperature still seems fine... so he isn't sick. I smiled and kissed his cheek, running my fingers through his hair. He giggled a bit and opened one of his eyes, patting for his phone before looking at the screen.

"It's five in the morning." He whispered, smiling. "Why'd you have to wake me up?"

"Because you were coughing and it scared me." I kissed across his face.

"I told you, I feel fine." He giggled.

I lifted his chin and softly kissed his lips. He smiled at me before I kissed him again, kissing just a little rougher. When I moved away he blushed a bit as I started kissing down his neck, cupping his face as I moved up to look at it.

"You really are just a ball of sunshine." I murmured.

I ran my fingers through his hair and sighed. He shoved his face into my chest and held my hand, knowing he was blushing because he curled up a bit. I lifted his chin and he tried to cover his face. I chuckled before looking away, sighing. He winced.

"Hey, what's wrong?" He tilted his head.

"I'm sorry you have to deal with my bullshit. It shouldn't be your responsibly to care for me, it should be the other way around." I sat up and brought my knees to my chest, looking around the room at everyone to make sure they were still asleep. "I feel overly sensitive from these past few days, so I'm sorry you have to deal with me. I'm... so sorry..."

He quickly helped me up and walked us to the laundry room. He gently moved onto my lap, letting me sob into his shoulder. He frowned and ran his fingers through my hair before wrapping his arms around me. I gripped onto his shirt, hiccupping.

"I'm so sorry... I'm so fucking sorry... none of this would be happening if I didn't-"

"Shush." He gently kissed my lips, stopping my rambling. He gently put his hands on my shoulders. "This is how I see us. We're both like fallen trees that just happened to be lucky enough to fall on each other. So both trees are staying up. The other can't fall because the other tree won't let it. And if we fall, we fall together. No matter what we'll always be together."

The entire time he was talking with his hands, which was really adorable. I smiled and hugged him again, him gently hugging me back.

"What would I do without you, my sunshine?" I smiled softly.

He frowned when he pulled away. "You know I wouldn't let you touch me if I didn't want you to, so don't think like that, please. I've liked everything we've done when we're alone. I wouldn't have it any other way."

I sighed. "That isn't going to stop me from feeling terrible. I jumped the gun, I should have waited longer."

He softly kissed me. "Maybe. But I still wouldn't have it any other way." He jumped. "Aww, we can't do it tonight..."

"Why not?" I tilted my head.

"Because we have school tomorrow and I kinda need to walk." He sighed.

"Maybe we'll get another snow day." I gently kissed down his neck.

"Maybe." He mumbled.

I gently held his face, kissing him softly. He smiled a bit before kissing back, starting to touch up my shirt. I grinned and slipped my tongue into his mouth, making him blush a bit. I gently ran my fingers through his hair before kissing his lips again.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2022 ⏰

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