Chapter 3

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Hinata's P.O.V

After practice everyone decided to go eat together. We were sitting outside with two wooden tables we had moved together so we could all sit with each other.

I was obviously sitting next to Kageyama, with Nishinoya and Sugawara in front of us. Asahi and Tsukishima were in the middle, Asahi next to Tobio. Daichi and Tanaka on our side of the tables while Tadashi and Ennoshita are on the other side. I secretly was holding Kageyama's hand underneath the table, still eating my food. He softly squeezed my hand, making me look at him.

"Can we tell them?" He whispered.

"Let me think about it." I whispered back.

I yawned a little before shaking my head. I lightly tapped my chopsticks against the bowl. Should I just go for it? Everyone will probably think nothing of it if Tobio doesn't kiss back. What am I saying, of course he would kiss back! Alright, Shoyo, just wait for the right time to do it. I took a deep breath, silently eating. Suddenly Kageyama got their attention.

I turned him to face me and grabbed his face, kissing him. He froze before kissing back, playing with my hair a little. I blushed a little when we pulled away, gripping onto his shirt.

"That's one way to tell them." He whispered.

"Shut up...." I blushed further.

I looked to see everyone with a shocked expression. The one with the most surprised face was Daichi, which made me feel kinda bad. I buried my face into Tobio's chest, tearing up a little. Oh, my god, why does my chest hurt? Do they not accept us?! Shit, I really shouldn't have done that! I should have just went for a kiss on the cheek! Aaahhh why do I feel like I'm having a panic attack?!

"Hinata, breathe, damnit!"

I looked at Kageyama, tears streaming down my face. "I-I'm sorry, I-I don't know w-what's wrong with me... my c-chest feels really heavy and I d-don't know why..."

He hugged me softly, running his fingers through my hair. Asahi bit his thumb while everyone but Noya sat dumbfounded. Tsukishima groaned.

"You all are the ones that called them lovebirds, so why when they kiss you get so surprised? Get your jaws off the floor and act like men, not pigeons."

They shook their heads and Daichi sighed. "I agree. Even though I was just as surprised as you all were, it's not very polite to sit so silently after Hinata was brave enough to do that."

"Actually, I... knew..." Noya gulped. "Well, I kinda found out a couple days back and thought it would be better if they just told you themselves rather than me spilling it to all of you at my own hand..."

He put his head down. At this point in time my tears had stopped and I had been looking at the group.

"Thanks, Noya." I smiled at him.

"Wait a second, so the thing you wouldn't tell me about was your crush on Tobio?!"

I blushed vividly and hid in Kageyama's chest again. "Oh, shut it, Tanaka."

Tobio ran his fingers through my hair, kissing my head. He's so warm, I think I might fall asleep on him. I gripped onto his shirt and softly kissed his neck, making him shiver.

"Don't do that." He grumbled.

I whined a little and leaned back against him. Tadashi smiled a little at us.

"I think you two are actually kinda cute together." He looked away.

"Thanks, Tadashi." I smiled at him.

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