Chapter 6

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Hinata's P.O.V

I woke up from a nightmare around the middle of the night, looking at Kageyama. He had a calm face while he was sleeping. I sighed softly and slipped out of bed, going to my bathroom. I turned on the faucet and splashed water on my face, looking up at the ceiling.

"Yesterday is over, it's like a bad dream..." I dried off my face. "It's over now. Forget about it and go on with your life."

I sighed again and looked down at the sink, feeling arms wrap around my waist.

"Are you alright?" Kageyama whispered.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I leaned back against him.

He turned my face and softly kissed my lips, making me smile. He ran his fingers through my hair, looking at our reflections. He reached his hand down and starting palming me through my pants. I blushed before leaning back against him, moaning softly. I looked at him.


"Yeah, baby?" He softly bit my earlobe.

"I'm hungry." I held my stomach. "Can you make me food?"

"In the middle of the night?"

I nodded. "I'm hungry. We didn't eat dinner yesterday so you must be hungry, too."

"A little bit..." He kissed my cheek. "Alright, I'll make us a little bit of food."

I smiled and followed him to the kitchen, watching him make food. I heard something move in the living room, making my head jolt towards that direction. I went to go check it out. I looked around, seeing a dim light come from the couch. I gulped and looked down to see Kenma with a sleeping Kuroo. Kuroo's head was on Kenma's chest. He looked at me for a split second before going back to his game.

"Kageyama let us in so in case something else happened you two wouldn't be alone." He sighed and turned off his PSP. "I smell food."

"Kageyama's making a little bit this early since we didn't eat dinner."

"Well, it's nice to see that you look less stressed."

I paused before laughing nervously, suddenly getting called to the kitchen by Kageyama. I smiled and ran off to get the food.

"You let Kenma and Kuroo in without asking me?" I whispered.

"Yeah. I figured you wouldn't have a problem with those two staying the night so I invited them in." He looked down at me. "Do you have a problem with them?"

"No..." I looked down.

He handed me a bowl. "Here. Eat."

I smiled and began to munch on it, smiling at him. We both ate before washing our bowls, returning to bed. I cuddled up with him, smiling. He started nibbling at my neck, making me giggle.

"Not with Kenma and Kuroo in the house." I smiled at him.

He growled before pulling me into a rough kiss. When he pulled away I smiled at him. He kissed across my face, smiling devilishly at me.

"Suck on me." He whispered close to my ear.

"W-what..?" I blushed.

"I want you to suck my dick. Do I have to ask again?" He growled.

I blushed further. "And I said not with Kenma and Kuroo in the house."

"Why? Would you rather Kenma be asking you that?"

I froze before getting angry, getting off my bed. "Is that what you take me for?!"


"I love you! Only you!" I started tearing up. "I thought you of all people would know that."

Setter of Attention (Hinata X Kageyama)Where stories live. Discover now