Chapter 5

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Hinata's P.O.V

"You asked for it."

I instinctively covered my face like he was going to punch me, whining and moving away. I started whimpering as small tears escaped my eyes. I heard him walk over to me.

"H-hey... hey, what's wrong?" He sounded so confused. "Baby, please talk to me."

"I don't know what I did, but please don't hurt meeeeee!" I curled up on the floor.

"What? You didn't do anything wrong." he sighed and moved me onto his lap. "Why are you afraid?"

"Because you said I asked for it and usually when you say that it means I did something wrong and you're mad at me!" I didn't uncover my face.

"I'm not even going to try to explain..." He moved my hands away. "Come here."

I snuggled into his chest, whimpering. "So you're not mad at me for whatever I did wrong?"

"For the second time, you didn't do anything wrong." He kissed my cheek. "And I'm not mad at you."

"I'm sorry..."

"You didn't-!" He sighed. "You didn't. Do. Anything."

"I'm sorry!!"

I looked down. He just smiled a little and softly kissed my lips, making me calm down. He frowned at me.

"I wasn't going to hurt you." He murmured.

"I know, it's just out of habit..." I looked away.

He frowned before grabbing my face and making me look at him. "Hey, I'm really fucking sorry that I treated you bad in the past, but I'm different now, I won't hurt you like I did before."

"I know..." I looked into his deep blue eyes. "It's just sometimes I get a little jumpy."

He softly kissed at my lips. "Do you still want to...?"

I blushed, hugging him. "Y-yes..."

"Even though it's the middle of the day...?"

I nodded. He smiled and picked me up, taking me to my room. We both took off our shirts and I took off my pants, him looking me up and down. He put on his shirt as the doorbell rung.

"Right on time." He mumbled.

He went out and came back with a small box. I studied it.

"What's inside?" I rubbed off the concealer.

"Lube." He licked his lips. "Now take off your boxers and flip over~"

I did as he said and grabbed a pillow, shoving my face into it. Suddenly I felt him slip a lubed finger into my backside, making me moan. He chuckled as I beckoned for movement. He slipped a second one in, then a third. He pressed against my walls, making me cry out in pleasure, arching my back. He started chuckling.

"W-what's so f-funny..?" I looked at him.

"It's just that you're so obedient, I don't even have to think twice before you comply. You stripped yourself and flipped over before I could even get my buckle undone."

"I-it's because I-I'm a s-submissive b-bottom..." I looked away. "Nngh~~! Oh, there, please, right there~~~!

"Of course, baby~"

He continued to hit my prostate with his fingers, making me moan loudly each time. I blushed vividly, feeling the knot form in my stomach.

"I-I'm gonna cum~~~" I buried my face into the pillow, enjoying the pleasure Kageyama was giving me. "D-damn it~~~"

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