Chapter 8

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Kageyama's P.O.V

Me and Yamaguchi walked back into the living room to see that Tsukishima was pinning down my Hinata. Both me and Yamaguchi growled lowly. Tsukishima looked at Yamaguchi while Hinata looked at me. He quickly started waving his hands in front of his face.

"Kageyama, it's not what it looks like! Tanaka pushed him really hard and he-"

"Save it, Hinata."

"He's telling the fucking truth! You believe me, right, Yamaguchi?" Tsukishima was looking at Tadashi.

I looked at Suga and Daichi. "That is what happened, we assure you two."

We both sighed with relief and I grabbed my tangerine, kissing his cheek. He blushed a bit. I noticed that most of his concealer had rubbed off, probably from trying to keep the bag safe. I noticed Suga was eyeing down one of the hickeys that were visible. I sneakily grabbed the concealer and sponge and pulled Hinata into the bathroom. I started fixing it for him.

"Thanks, Kageyama~" He smiled at me.

"You're welcome, babe." I smiled at him. When I finished I set it on the side of the sink. "Do you want to get married?"

He blushed vividly. "H-huh?! W-where did that come from?!"

"I was just wondering if you wanted to get married one day." I said calmly. "Would you... like to marry me one day?"

His blush began to fade. "Of course I would, Kageyama. Wait... you're not going to make me wear a dress, are you?"

"I wouldn't do that to you." I kissed his cheek. "And I kinda... told Yamaguchi and Tsukishima that we fuck..."


"I swear on my fucking life that he said they pinkie promised! If they break that I'm going to commit homicide!" I grabbed his shoulders. "You don't just say that as a teen!"

He took a deep breath. "I-I think... I think we should tell Daichi and Suga that we... you know..."

I blushed. "Are you crazy?! They're like the mom and dad of the group!"

"Yeah, that's why I think they should know." He looked down. "They should be the ones to know. Maybe they'll be able to make excuses for us if we're really late..."

"Or it'll blow up in our faces and they'll tell everyone." I held his face. "what if they become overprotective and won't allow us to be alone together?"

"Like real parents would?"

"Like real parents would." I grabbed his hands.

"I still feel we should tell them..." He looked down.

I blushed. How dare you pull the cute card on me! "Fine, but if this all goes up in flames you'll have been the one to put us in deep shit." He grinned cutely. "I'll wet a rag..."

We pulled Noya aside and explained ourselves. He sighed and scratched the back of his head.

"You can use my room. Just don't... don't use my bed for unholy acts..." He whispered.

We blushed and nodded. We walked into the room and while my baby bird went to fetch the two I was wetting a rag in Noya's bathroom to clean off the concealer. I had brought the concealer with me to reapply it when all was done. I heard them walk into the room and I walked out, holding the damp rag.

"We uh..." Hinata blushed. "Being as the parents of the group, we wanted to tell you, too..."

I took a deep breath before cleaning the concealer off his neck. I lifted his chin and softly kissed his lips, holding his hand and sitting next to him. Suga gasped, and so did Daichi. Suga covered his mouth, making Hinata anxious. I put my arm around him and softly kissed his cheek. He looked at me with slight tears forming near his eyes.

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