Chapter 7 - Wake Up.

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They both slowly approached Bonnie and I, not taking their eye of us, not even for a split second. Lisa wasn't wearing her hoody and her hair was now tied back.
"You really shouldn't have done that in the canteen, you'll live to regret that," Lisa hissed, leaning against the wall about 20cm from me.
"Doubt it but whatever," I firmly said, wanting to walk away but not wanting to disobay Mum when she told me to stay put until she told me to move.
"Even if it's the last thing I do," Lisa growled and I smirked, turning away from her.
"You're being the bigger person by ignoring her," Bonnie reminded,
"I know," I whispered to her.
"What's that? You're too afraid of us to say anything back. Poor little Sinead, you're only friend is boring Bonnie," Lisa whined. I scrunched my fists up trying not to say anything. Justin had English with Mrs Mulgrew and he came and stood outside our science class while he waited to go in.
"Lisa's winding Sinead up, she's trying to ignore them," Bonnie whispered to Justin and he crossed his arms and looked at me.
"Thanks for sticking up for me with Mr Fizgerald earlier," I smiled to him.
"No problem, hope those two get what's coming to them," Justin said loudly deliberatly so they turned around.
"What did you say?" Shazney asked.
"Butt out," I hissed and Lisa came close up to me.

Lisa walked over to me and grabbed my white leather jacket, pinning me against the wall.
"Be careful love, this was expensive. Far too expensive for you to be paying," I hissed. Bonnie walked nervously into the science lab, probably to inform Miss Hutchinson of the trouble going on outside.
"You take that back," She demanded. I stood silently for a minuet.
"No," I bravley said.
"Lisa Brown, you lay another finger on my daughter and I will make sure you are permently excluded," Miss Hutchinson yelled, causing Mrs Mulgrew to appear in the doorway of her classroom.
"Is everything alright?" Mrs curiously asked.
"Fine thankyou," Mum sarcastically replied, I could sense in the atmosphere that they didn't like eachother. Both of the class's were slowly aloud in, Mrs Mulgrew was staring at Miss Hutchinson and Justin, Bonnie, Shazney, Lisa and I were all pointlessly standing in the corridor.
"Lisa let go of Sinead's jacket, you've already been told once." Mrs Mulgrew demanded. Lisa let go. She looked at me with her sharp beedy eyes before making her way into the science lab.
"Tramp," I whispered, quiet enough so Mum didn't hear but loud enough for Lisa to hear.

"Come on then," Lisa screamed and everyone turned around. Lisa grabbed my jacket and pulled me in close before swinging me around and throwing me against the wall. I hit the wall that was beside Mrs Mulgrew's door, my head slammed against the wall and my foot got in the way of the other and I lost my footing. One of my feet slipped onto the first stair of the stair case but I wasn't expecting it to happen. My head smacked the banister on the side of the stair case and my legs fell from under me. I tumbled down the stairs, hitting every single concrete stair on the way down. I landed on the bottom, unable to move. My eyes were closed and I could feel warm blood dripping from the back and side of my head on to the floor. One of my legs was bent inwards and my other was was straight over the top, one arm faced backwards and one lay under my body. I heard screams, from Mum and Bonnie.
"Sinead," Someone shouted, picking up my hand.
"Sinead, can you hear us?" Someone else shouted. I couldn't work out who was who. My eyes flickered open and I looked up, everyone accept Lisa was gathered around me. Bonnie was crying and Justin was on the phone.
"Stay with us Sinead, help's on the way," Justin shouted. I caught a glance of Lisa, she was standing at the top of the stair case, open mouthed. My blinks were getting longer, I found myself not being able to open my eyes. My whole body was aching and I didn't have the energy levels to move.

"Wake up, Sinead," Mum shouted, squeezing my hand tighter.

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