Chapter 11 - Bonnie Knows.

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Science was first lesson, again with Miss Hutchinson. This time we all went straight in and sat down, getting out our pens. Everyone was silent and Miss was typing on her laptop.
"Today, we're doing a Physics test," Miss announced and everyone sighed. She walked around the classroom, placing enough test papers on each desk for one person each.
"On what exactly? You haven't taught us anything," Darren Houghs muttered.
"Exactly, this is to help me find out what you already know," She smiled, nobody could be bothered with a test, let alone a Physics one. I tapped my pen on the table and looked over to Bonnie, who smiled and I smiled back.
"Write your name and my name on the front please," Miss asked. I put my pen on the paper and slowly wrote Sinead. S I N E A D. The only word I knew how to spell, I left out Hutchinson because like I already said, that word proved tricky for me to spell. I paused in silence and the only thing I could hear was peoples pens scribbling on the paper.
"Everything okay?" Miss called out at me.
"Yes, Miss," I quietly replied, opening my test paper and looking down at it to make it look like I was doing something. Bonnie was sat beside me and she was looking at me, she'd answered half of the first page already.
"The answers 'electromagnetic spectrum' for the first one," She whispered. I looked at her,
"Thanks," I whispered back, putting my pen on the paper and pausing again. I saw Bonnie looking at me, she pushed her test paper towards me and pointed out which bit I was ment to be copying. I wrote it out, my writing looked exactly the same as hers and her writing was incredible compered to mine at the top.
"Thanks," I whispered again, before putting my head in my hands.
"Sinead can I have a word outside," Miss asked, raising from her chair and opening the door. I pushed the chair backwards and stood up, following her outside.
"What's going on?" She questioned, folding her arms and looking at me seriously.
"I don't know what you mean," I replied, pretending I didn't know what she was on about.
"You're doing no work, every time I look up at you you're either sitting looking into space or whispering with Bonnie," She sighed.
"I'm doing my work," I lied.
"No you're not, I've not seen you write anything so far, I'm going to go and check and if you've answered anything less than three questions I'm putting you in detention," She hissed.
"That is so unfair," I whined.
"I'm not giving you any special treatment so don't even go and play innocent," miss angrily smirked before showing me back into the classroom. I walked back over to my table and sat down, Miss followed me and picked up my test paper. She flicked through a few pages then looked at me.
"Fair enough," She whispered and she threw the paper back onto the table. I was confused, I'd done one question and even then Bonnie gave me the answer. I turned the test paper over and looked, all the questions Bonnie had done she had written the answers in for me. I looked up and smiled at her before mouthing the words 'thank you'.

The bell rang and we had to remain in silence until Miss Hutchinson had collected all the test papers in and allowed us to leave. We had Geography with Mrs Fizgerald next and Bonnie wasn't in Geography, she had French with Mr Berrisford. We walked down the stairs and into the corridor.
"Sinead can I ask you something?" She nervously asked, her hands were in front of her and she was standing looking right at me.
"Shoot," I replied, trying to get her to keep walking but she wouldn't move. She hesitated for a moment, "Common Bonnie it's not break you know," I laughed. The corridor was less busy and hardly anyone was around.
"You can't read or write, can you?" She whispered. I looked at the ground.
"Bonnie I swear to god if you tell anyone I'll take your life," I hissed, putting my hand on my head and turning around.
"I wouldn't say anything, you can trust me," She whispered, touching my arm.
"I've got to go, I'll see you later," I said, turning around and walking away. I got to the bottom of the corridor and went up the stairs and into the door that was along the corridor. I said nothing when I walked in and Mrs looked at me as if to say 'thanks for joining us' I placed my bag on the chair next to me and looked out of the window. If it was that ovious Bonnie found out, who else would be next to guess?

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