Chapter 82

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Legend POV
I was sitting on the bed on my phone texting my mom the update. I don't think I really talked about my mom like that. Yeah my moms still alive. Me and her just don't have a close relationship. Trey's mom was more of a mom to me then my own mama. I was texting everybody updates on Seven and the baby. Seven started to squeeze my hand real tight.

"Damn bae" I said
"I'm sorry I'm sorry it's contractions" Seven said
"I know baby, it don't hurt I'm just messing with you" I said
"Bae this hurts" Seven said
"I know I'm right here" I rubbing her stomach
"Yeah I'm not having anymore kids" Seven said
"Cap" I said
"I'm serious. I didn't know contractions hurt this bad" Seven said
"You told me you wanted a girl" I said
"I do" Seven said
"But you just said you didn't want another baby" I said
"Shut up. I know what I said" Seven said
"So you don't want another baby?" I said smirking
"Yeah and not until 2 years later" Seven said
"2 years?! " I said
"Yes boy. I don't want my kids close in age" Seven said
"Bae you having 5 kids so you need them at least a year apart" I said
5? Boy you don't lost your damn mind if you think 5 kids coming out of me" Seven said
"You'll be alright" I said
"Yeah because I'm not having them" Seven said
"We'll see" I said
"2 to the max" Seven said
"Mhm" I said
"Here they go again" Seven said closing her eyes

As I was rubbing Seven's stomach I heard a knock at the door.

"Come in" I said

Seven sister and niece walked in with blue balloons that said "It's a boy" on them.

"Hey" Aliyah said
"Wassup" I said
"Hey.. I didn't think you were coming" Seven said
"Of course I was coming. You my sister and I didn't want to miss the birth of my nephew " Aliyah said
"I appreciate you coming, seven was upset because she thought you wasn't coming" I said
"I'm sorry" Seven said
"It's okay. Let's focus on you giving birth to my little nephew " Aliyah said
"We thought of a name for him" I said
"Really? What's his name?
"Don't tell her bae, let's just surprise everyone" Seven said
"Ight Ight" I said
"I'm so ready for him to get here" I said
"I know you are" Aliyah said smiling
"Like even though this not my biological son this still my son by blood I don't give a fuck what nobody say or how nobody feeling" I said kissing Seven hand
"Aww" Seven said
"My name gone be on that birth certificate though so I am the father" I said
"That's right" Aliyah said

The doctor knocked on the door and came in.

"Hello? How you feeling Mrs Craft?" The doctor asked
"Just a little bit of pain, but I'm okay" Seven said
"We're just going to see how dilated you're and then we will go from there" The doctor said grabbing his chair
"Okay " Seven said
"Just prop your legs up like you're about to give birth " The doctor said

Seven did as she was told while the doctor tried to feel his head. 

"You're about 5 centimeters dilated" The doctor said taking his gloves off
"You can sit back up if you want" The doctor said
"When do you think she will have him?" Aliyah asked
"We're thinking around tonight or tomorrow morning. She's dalating really fast so might be tonight, but if not tonight tomorrow. When she came in here she was around 2 centimeters. So he's coming quick" The doctor said
"Wow" I said smiling
"If you need anything else your nurse will be happy to help you" The doctor said while throwing his gloves away

My son so close to being here. I'm really a whole father out here.

Seven POV
The doctor had just came in here and told how dilated I was. I was 5 centimeters so that means I only had 5 more to go because I had to be 10 for me actually be ready to have him. I was very excited but scared at the same time.

"I'm scared" I said
"Dont be baby ima be right by your side the whole time" Legend said
"I just noticed this whole time you've been calling me baby but broke up with me a couple hours before my water broke" I said
"Look I made a mistake Ight. I love you. I just ain't want you stressing out" Legend said
"Are you sure that's what it was? Or you was having your eyes on somebody else?" I asked
"I didn't have my eyes on anybody else but you baby, I was just letting my mind lead the way instead of just talking to you about it" Legend said
"Mhm" I said
"I'm serious" Legend said kissing lips
"Camilla's here" Aliyah said
"I know" I said chuckling
"Titi when my baby cousin coming?" Camilla asked
"He's coming soon baby" I said
"I'm I going to be here when he comes?" Camilla asked
"I don't know baby that's up to your mommy" I said
"You'll be in bed. But we will come back tomorrow " Aliyah said
"I want to stay with titi " Camilla said
"I'll see you tomorrow" I said
"Okay.." Camilla said
"Yeah we gone head out big sis, I'll se you tomorrow keep me updated Legend" Aliyah said
"I will" Legend said

"Now that they gone continue what you was saying" Legend said
"I finished." I said
"Are we together or what?" I asked
"Do you want to be with me?" Legend asked
"Legend if I didn't want to be with you I wouldn't be having this conversation with you right now" I said
"So be my girl again" Legend said kissing my forehead
"I never stopped" I said kissing his lips
"You need to get some rest" Legend said
"I know I'm getting sleepy now" I said yawning

Mommy and daddy are waiting for you baby boy...

Legend and Seven  are back! 💕
  Baby boy almost here!
Full name name will be coming when the baby is here

 ********  Legend and Seven  are back! 💕   Baby boy almost here!  Full name name will be coming when the baby is here Comment  Vote💕

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