Chapter 65

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Trey POV
Seven's sister was here. But how did she find us? I don't know. We were all wanting to know the same question. I knew she was Seven's sister but honestly she could be setting us up. I don't know what to think at the moment.

"Tell us what?" I asked
"Well I should wait until everybody's here" Aliyah said

As soon as she said that my mom and dad walked in with Jada and Jay and Mr and Mrs Johnson.

"Who's this?" My mom asked
"This is my sister Aliyah, and my niece Camilla " Seven said
This is Jay and Jada, and Kehlani's Mom and Kehlani's dad and baby sister" Seven said
"Now everybody here. Wassup" I said
"Okay. Well Chuco do y'all know of him?" Aliyah asked
"Yea" I said
"Well. One day he found out I was Seven's sister I'm guessing he looked information up. I don't know how. But he wanted to use me to get to y'all. But because I'm Seven's sister and I didn't want to turn against her. I came here today because his plan is to kill Trey, Jay and Qua tomorrow " Aliyah said
"Oh my god" Kehlani said
"So he's the one who gave you the address to here?" Qua asked
"Yes. Me and my daughter packed clothes for a couple nights because I'm honestly scared to go back home. He's dangerous." Aliyah said
"You don't need to go home. Can she please stay here? I lost her once and I'm not trying to lose her again" Seven said
"She's welcomed to stay" Mrs Williams said
"Thank you so much" Aliyah said

While everybody was talking and worried about what's going on I was thinking about everything. If I wanted to keep my family safe I had to do what was best for my family.

"We have to meet him" I said
"What? No. No" Kehlani said
"We have too. If I want you and my unborn child safe in this world we have to meet him" I said
"I don't think that's a good idea" Kierra said
"If we want y'all good we got too" Qua said
"No." Kehlani said
"Yeah. Chuco is dangerous. He's more dangerous than his brother" Jada said
"We got 3 unborn kids coming into this world y'all gotta think about that" Jay said
"I said no" Kehlani said
"Bae we got too" I said
"No. I'm not letting you go anywhere. Nobody's going" Kehlani said
"I agree" Kierra said
"He done already threatened me " Aliyah said
"What did he say?" I asked
"He said if I set him up I would've wished I didn't" Aliyah said
"We going tonight" I said
"No-" Kehlani said
"We going" I said

Kehlani looked in my eyes with tears in hers and got up and left. Kierra, Jada , Aliyah and Seven followed behind her. I rubbed my hands over my face. I sighed for a second. I knew it was dangerous and I knew Chuco wasn't anybody to play with. But about Kehlani and my daughter I don't play about them, I'll do anything in the world to keep my family safe.

"Before we leave we need to talk to them" I said
"I'll stay back and keep a look out" Legend said
"Yeah. I think that's a good idea. You my best man and I trust you. " I said
"Man can I talk to you?" Jay asked me

I thought about it for a quick second. Even though he hit Kehlani I needed him at the moment and he needed me. Even though I didn't want to forgive his ass. I had no other choice.

"Later. I need to make sure my girl straight first" I said

I got up and headed towards the kitchen where Kehlani and the girls were.

"Can I talk to Kehlani alone?" I asked

The girls left out the kitchen leaving me and Kehlani alone.

"Baby-" I said
"No. No. Move" Kehlani said
"Hey hey hey , come here" I said pulling Kehlani in
"Look. I know you don't want me going and I know you scared something is going to happen to me, but baby I promise I'm good. I done did this before. I know how to handle myself " I said
"Trey I can't lose you. Not at a state in mind like this. I'm 6 months pregnant with our daughter. I can't raise her alone" Kehlani said with tears in her eyes
"You not. I'm going to be here for you and my daughter. " I said
"I'm scared. " Kehlani said
"Don't be. Legend gone be here with y'all to make sure y'all straight. All the men going. " I said
"I guess I don't have a say huh? Your going to go rather I like it or not" Kehlani said
"To keep y'all two safe. I'll do anything" I said
"I guess I have no other choice. I love you so much" Kehlani said
"I love you too" I said

About my family. I'll go to war for them.

Kehlani POV
As much as I didnt want Trey going I didn't have any other choice. I did want my baby safe. I didn't want my baby coming into this world in danger either. I had to make this choice for my child. I just pray everybody makes it back safe.

"So what time are y'all planning to leave?" I asked
"Tonight midnight. I want this done before Christmas " Trey said
"Okay" I said
"Baby I'm going to be fine. I need you to not stress because you gone make my babygirl mad" Trey said smiling and rubbing my belly
"Stop your not suppose to make me smile " I said smiling
"But I did though" Trey said
"Mhm" I said
"But baby I'm gone be good" Trey said
"I know. I trust you" I said
"I know. Now you gotta help your girls be strong" Trey said
"Yes I do" I said

I trust Trey. When Trey said everything was going to be alright, I believed him because he never lied. We walked back into the living room where everybody was talking and laughing. Everybody stopped when I walked back in. I'm guessing they were waiting on my answer.

"Everything alright?" Kierra asked
"Yeah" I said
"What's your answer? How do you feel? Seven asked
"And be honest " Jada said
"I think they should go. " I said
"What? Why?" Kierra asked
"Because I don't want none of our kids growing up with all this shit going on in the world" I said
"Yeah. I don't want our son growing up with all this drama either" Seven said
"And I don't want Camilla around it" Aliyah said
"I guess" Kierra said
"So I guess it's settled " Trey said
"So what's the plan?" Qua asked
"Me, Qua, Jay, Mr Johnson and my pops . Legend stays back with the women, knowing Chuco he might have people back at the house" Trey said
"What about my sister? " Seven asked
"She stays here." I said
"Do you think it's safe if the women stay in the house?" My dad asked
"As long as Legend is here at all times we good" Trey said
"Okay then it's settled" I said

Everybody started getting up to go help get everything together. I helped Trey pack guns and clothes or anything he needed because I don't know what could happen. After I finished helping him I sat on the bed and propped my feet up because I was tired. It was around 8pm right now . They were planning to head out around 9:30.

"I'm scared" I said
"Don't be. I'm going to call you before anything happens and I'm going to call when everything's finished" Trey said
"Okay" I said

I felt tiny kicks from our daughter. She knew how nervous and scared I was. Every time I was scared she kicked me a lot.

"She's kicking" I said
"She knows something is wrong with her mommy" Trey said
"Yeah I know." I said

I was a little hungry also. I haven't ate since this morning.

"Is your mom cooking?" I asked Trey
"Yea she should be if not she's probably ordering something" Trey said
"Yeah I'm hungry " I said
"Let me go see if I can find you something to eat on" Trey said

I really hope tonight I don't end up having to be at the hospital.

They fighting tonight!!
I got a bad feeling about this one!

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