Chapter 69

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I'm going to switch Kehlani and Trey POV's around. Kehlani POV is going to be first on this chapter and then Trey and then the others! But other than that, let's continue with the story.

Kehlani POV
I was half way asleep when I heard the doctor say "Family and friends of Jay Williams " I quickly jumped up as everybody stood up waiting for answers. Aliyah ran to get Seven and Legend. Seven and Legend came quickly as they heard the doctor was ready to speak.

"You can go ahead doc" My mom said
"Who's the parent of Jay?" The doctor asked
"Me" Mr Williams said
"Okay just making sure the parent was in the room. Jayden Williams has lost a lot of blood, since he lost so much blood he slipped into a coma, he's out of surgery now but sound of sleep" The doctor said
"Oh my god, oh my god" Jada said dropping to her knees.
"When will he wake up?" Mrs Williams said in tears
"We don't know. It could take weeks, months, years. It's all up to him" The doctor said
"Okay.." Mrs Williams said walking away
"Thank you doc" Mr Williams said
"Can we go see him?" Jada asked crying
"Yes. One at a time" The doctor said walking away

Everybody walked away taking seats. I sat down beside Jada trying to calm her down so she would t stress the baby out.

"Jada you go ahead and go. I'll go in last" Trey said stepping outside

Jada went to the front desk to ask the lady what room number Jay was in. While she was doing that I went to go check on Trey. I walked outside to the little chairs that were outside and he wasn't there. I went to the car and there he was with the car on and heat going. I opened the door and got in slowly.

"You okay?" I asked
"I don't know bae. At this point I don't fucking know if I'm good" Trey said
"Talk to me " I said
"This shit all my fault. If I wouldn't have told Jay to go none of this shit would've happened. Jay the youngest out of all of us man. That's my little brother, I literally grew up with this dude. This blood, even though he didn't come out of my mama that's blood. And then the fact that me and him was already on bad terms when he hit you and Jada, but shit I don't want to lose that man. I got more good memories than I do bad memories with him" Trey said
"Baby it's not your fault" I said
"It feels like it. Everybody know me and Jay didn't end off on good terms. Now he in a coma and I don't know when he will wake up" Trey said punching the steering wheel
"Babe, it's okay. It's going to be okay. Jay knows you love him. Jay isn't going to give up on fighting. Baby you have to be strong. " I said rubbing his back
"I know. I try everyday to be strong for you and my kid but sometimes i just break down" Trey said
"And there's nothing wrong with breaking down in front of me, I'm going to always love you and hold you down you don't have to worry about me giving up on you" I said

There was silence. I never really told Trey that, I mean yeah I tell him I love him everyday and every second. But I don't tell him how I truly feel. Trey looked at me and smiled a little. I guess it was nice knowing that when he was really going through it.

"You never told me that before" Trey said smiling
"Because I never really knew how to say it. But I promise I meant every word I see. Me and your daughter are you biggest supporters right now" I said
"I see that" Trey said rubbing my stomach
"Did I make you feel a little better? " I asked
"You did baby." Trey said kissing my lips

The kiss started to get stronger and aggressive.

"Babe wait wait. We at the hospital right now" I said smiling
"Shit ain't nobody out here. Come on stop playing" Trey said kissing my neck
"I am not having sex in the car " I said
"I heard car sex good, plus I ain't never did it before, you can be my first" Trey said
"No " I said laughing
"Man you tripping" Trey said
" I got u later though. We need to get back in here and check on the others
"Man what I'm going to do about this?" Trey said pointing down to his private

I looked down and laughed uncontrollably. I could not stop laughing. Trey never had a boner out in public before , this was the first time it actually happened but it was funny.

"I don't see shit funny about this" Trey said
"I do" I said still laughing
"You gotta help me fix it bae" Trey said
"How?" I said laughing
"I don't know. I told you car sex is the only way right now" Trey said
"The answer is no. I think there's some lotion in the thing handle your business bae" I said laughing
"You wrong" Trey said smiling
"Come on we got to get back in here" I said
"Alight I'm coming" Trey said

I put my coat back on and got out the car. I waited for Trey to get out. He finally got out locked the door and we headed back into the hospital. Everybody was in the waiting room waiting on us I'm guessing.

"Don't tell me y'all had car sex" Qua said
"I tried but somebody was acting like she was too good for it Trey said
"No" I said laughing
"Where's Jada ?" I asked
"She's not coming out. She doesn't want to leave. Ma shot me a text and told us to come back in the morning " Qua said
"So y'all ready to roll?" Trey asked
"I guess so" Qua said with Royalty in his arms and Kierra asleep on his chest

Everybody packed their stuff together and headed out to their cars. Me and Trey got into the car along with Qua and Kierra and Royalty. We drove all the way home in silence.

Trey and Kehlani are definitely some freaks
Jay in a coma 😞
Since Jay is in a coma he won't be in the next few chapters
And I'm going to skip about 2 months ahead in Trey's next coming POV

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